july 27. the geometry of shadows
The librarian gives him rather suspicious looks every time he checks out a new book lately, though Hayato chalks it up to a middle schooler browsing a university library. Definitely not the fact that all the tomes are rather... advanced. And potentially questionable.
Baseball Freak would smile and say something to set her at ease. Hayato grumbles a "thanks" and wanders to the local park instead, already working through the first chapter, already making plans. If she wanted to address whatever problem she had with him, she already would have. Hayato isn't going to stick around and do something unnecessary. There's already more than enough work to be done.
This book is more of a fiction than anything else. Geomancy, really. Like magic is real. UMAs, legendary creatures... they at least have scientific explanations. The only reason Hayato is giving this Geomancy any thought is because of Kawahira and his... oddities. Not quite a UMA, not quite human, something else entirely. As old as the ages. And Trinisette....
Logically, if Trinisette somehow works to keep the balance of life on Earth, the rings must resonate with something else. 21 objects, small as they are, can't possibly have enough inherent strength to support the entire planet, so they should be having an effect on something else that keeps everything... working. How, why, Hayato doesn't know. He wants to.
So he's checked out every book in the Namimori middle school, high school, and public libraries that might have an explanation; ordered countless others in many different languages online; even managed to get the hahi woman to convince her dad to convince the local University to let Hayato take a couple of distance courses and so gotten him access to that library as well. Having exhausted the purely scientific, logcal resources, he's now turned to... others. Like Geomancy.
Lay lines in the Earth are not, technically, proven, but Kawahira had let enough slip the last time Hayato manage to corner him that they may as well be. Next is to figure out the actual interaction. Is there something else? What would it be if there was? How would it interact with Trinisette, and how would restructuring it they way they have interfere with this connection?
Tenth is worried about him. This might be because he's been leaving Tenth in the care of Baseball Freak and Lawn Head far more often than usual, but it is incredibly difficult to concentrate when Tenth is around. Especially when....
Well, Baseball Freak knows enough to keep Tenth distracted. More or less.
They're all being overprotective, even the Millefiore and Vendiche when they wander in to Namimori, so his distance is both more and less noticable. Byakuran--the three times Hayato hadn't managed to avoid the lunatic--asked probing questions and made upsettingly vague statements that Hayato wasn't quite sure how to answer. Bermuda outright called Hayato out on it, but he, at least, understood: out of everyone, he has one of the best chances to find a way to keep Tenth alive.
So Bermuda (of all people and zombies) leads the charge for keeping the Tenth safe (with Reborn right beside him, matching him step for step with the Arcobaleno), and Hayato researches.
The Geomacy book isn't the most interesting piece of writing, boring and dry. Hayato is tempted to throw it into the pond, use it as a raft for the ducks nearby. And then....
Then, it mentions Necromancy.
Or, the author does in notes at the end. Books on the actual subject, fictional novels about the Dead, how to prevent the Dead rising, how to make it happen... how to prevent Death from ever taking a hand in anything....
Geomancy is the arte of manipulating the Earth's natural energies and magnetic fields through specialized tools and a person's own energies. Upon death, those energies return to the Earth, where they disperse over time and become part of the lay lines. Until the point of dispersal, it is possible to interact with the energies of the deceased, possibly even calling them back into Life. For more information on the arte of Necromancy, see....
The librarian will probably give him more strange looks, might even start talking to him (Giotto forbid), but at least he has a lead, now.
If these so-called "artes" can help keep Tenth alive or, worst case scenario, keep him from going too far into death so Lawn Head or Reborn or another sun-type can work their magic, good.
If they can have alternate uses (as, say, interrogation tools), so much the better.