It goes CRUNCH. It is the finals countdown.

Mar 15, 2010 13:25

Sooo. My finals are about ten weeks away. Almost exactly ten weeks, actually. This is manageable; I have a plan, and I genuinely (and this has taken some brain-smiting to achieve) believe that I have plenty of time to get revised up; after all, last year I went from completely incapable to 66.6% (make of it what you will) mark in two weeks of...varyingly intense revision with Other!James (i.e. some days we worked pretty much solidly, others we played all the way through Resi 5 on co-op).

Before the revision can start properly, however, my last two pieces of coursework need to be put to sleep. These have been a much bigger mental hump to get over than the revision, but I think I'm now ready to give them a good whack. My mother has suggested that my room may have become something of a poisonous environment, and I suspect that she could well be right. To this end, I will be decamping to the library to work during the day for the next week, aiming for 10AM-1PM and 2PM-5PM every day (with exceptions made at least one day for a WitW kitshop) starting this afternoon up until friday afternoon, when i will be heading to WitW.

I will not have my phone on during these periods. I will not be logging onto Maelfroth. I will still be on Gtalk if you need to contact me in an emergency or to schedule things, but please do not be linking me to exciting things on the internet. Those will not help me keep concentrated.

Edit: Because I am jealous of Gracewing and Beornwulf's counters:

"Prions: Developments in Pathogenesis and Treatment": 703/~2800 words
"Downstream Processing of Developmental Signals in the Dorsal Neural Tube" 0/15 slides.

work, special like the snowflake, biology

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