Aug 17, 2004 22:54
Let's see yes...some of my friends have had this for ages...and since i am exceedingly bored as of the last few days...even tho very busy, I decided I should get this LiveJournal thing that everyone uses. The sad thing is, is that I know I shall spend endless hours probably on here, mostlikely procrastinating from homework, (since ahhh school starts in like 14 days!!!:(:~) doing absolutely nothing too important towards my life...Still I shall be amused.....I am going to die...Well anyways so i was extremely confused on how to get this whole thing started..honestly if i had never seen someone else use this I would have been so confused...maybe its just me...haha but as u can see I finally figured out how to write in the journal...who knew u had to "confirm" the anyways... since this is a journal I suppose I should write a little bit about my day or feelings or something...Haha but I doubt anyone is going to read this except for like 2 ppl i know so they can be amused...but its yes today...Well I woke up wayyyyy 2 early, 6:25 am 2 b exact, 2 go swimming and add to my "sophie-get in shape quick" program, but that failed and i decided intsead to be a book worm and read since I am reading On the brighter side of things I am now the girl friend of a sex god, which btw is soooo amusing I literally laugh out loud like every yes did that...then decided since i am working at a camp as a couselor for 20 young girls, which starts at 8 45, to get ready and went there.....wasnt it fun but really not, well i must admit it is fun to be like a little girl again, but it poured rain and of course all of the little girls decided to get totally soaked and then hug was a long 5 hours...we lost one of our projects, someone fell in the creek, it was amusing...but i get home exaughsted, and of course must have a piano lesson haha with paul who is very funny...but i was so tired i didnt hear a thing he told me so that was very benifitial 45 mins...then hailey and alyse came over and we went 2 din din at KBS. We saw Laura, talked, more amusement...Got honked at and blown kisses by the random ppl who like to do that while they drive...then we invaded Travis's house and made fun and watched the amazing ppl on the olymics...then to the park...then home for me and now I am here. Wow sorry that was probably really intense and really boring considering I really had nothing 2 interesting to write about.....hopefully I shall improve...sorry it was so long