Sep 16, 2007 13:15
I know what I want to do, now. It's taken me about a year to really get it, but I just woke up this morning and knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what I needed to do. Just like yesterday when I woke up at noon and needed to watch the Princess Bride. It was just a fact. I woke up, went out to lunch with Cathy and went out and bought it. So, this morning I woke up at around the same time and knew that I had to go to The University of Virginia.
I had looked into it a little last year, just sort of as a joke, because I was born there. I was part of some graduate study. But, now I feel as though that's where I need to go to figure everything out: back to my roots.
This is such an ancient, primal, instinct. It's just like how salmon swim upriver every year to the place of their birth, sometimes even killing themselves trying to get there. Humans do it too. Orphaned children look for their parents, man kind obsesses over when and how we were created, and not to mention that we will forever be looking for Eden.
I'm mot saying that this University is going to be the perfect place and that all of my problems and questions will vanish the second I get there. It's just that ever since I got to Chico I've felt as though I don't quite belong here. I've met a lot of great people and it's a beautiful campus and everything, but it's not...quite...right.
I need to swim upriver. I need to go back to the beginning.