fill the heart with love....
grow it with every chance
its what we were meant to pursue
space and creativity
blending structure and flow
creating new work flows to find a
deeper. meaning and further
i feel that what im working on in my mind is creating the pathway for some of the greatest things ive ever imagined.
i really do hope that this the case and that what im working on is true progress forward.
i no longer want to have fear in trying.....the only fear i want to have is not trying hard enough to be someone who is special and talented.
i want to build new things, i want to learn from those hardships,i want to push for newer interesting and far out boundaries.
let me learn to lead the way
a new light
a new direction
a new star to the universe
let me fill up with love
then let me expose my creation to
the world.
i am the beginning
this is our start
colors fly though fingertips
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