Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Jul 12, 2007 11:56

ZOMG! went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix yesterday, I wanted to post all my thoughts yesterday, but my computer decided to be an *insert profanity here* so anyway....

First of all we arrived 15 minutes late for the movie and the movie was like 30 seconds in! So we wandered round the shops and had breakfast and went back for the 11.15 session and there was sooo many people i was really surprised. and i ran into girls from school that i really hate and that sat right behind me, and emily started kicking my chair. Then after waiting for 15 minutes the ad's started and i had to endure about 15 minutes of those until the movie started. Then the movie finally started and the first thing i thought was oh yeah, this is Harry Potter (with the title) and then there was this strange beginning and then Dudley appears and he sounds so different! I was like, thats not Dudley! And then there's the Dementors and one pins Harry against a wall with a "hand" around his throat, and that certainly wasn't in the book.

Also did anyone think the patronuses were a little weird? they were less defined in shape this time, because Harry's patronus (the stag) was so much clearer in PoA. Anyway Mrs. Figg was really weird, not at all what I imagined. Then there was Moody, Tonks and Shacklebolt. Shacklebolt kinda freaked me out, but i was a little disappointed about the really awesome changes in tonks hair (although the noses were good).

Then there was Grimmauld Place which was TOTALLY DIFFERENT to what I expected as well. And I'm sure at one point it was shown as 12 and at another 11. (Damn continuity error) Then we didn't see lots of the house either. But the extendable ear bit was super cute with Crookshanks eating it :P What I was really disappointed at was the lack of EXTREMELY TEENAGELY-ANGSTY HARRY! Because that was awesome in the book.

Luna was pretty awesome (her converses at the end so totally steal-able) although I thought her voice was a little funny, (I'm just not used to english voices) but she really was very quirky and everything. Neville has gotten even taller and his Mimbulus Mimbletonia was even freakier than I imagined. But the thestrals seemed less horse-like and less freaky than I imagined. :(

The Umbitch was awesome though! Throughout the whole movie there wasn't a moment you forgot about her! Then there was some boring middle movie scenes (you know where you go to the toilet from your giant soda!?) and then the "Just because you have the emotional range of a Teaspoon..." which was awesome but then Ron and Mione laughed and I sorta went WTF?! in the movie theatre out-loud and the usher gave me the evils. Harry and Cho's kiss was a bit weird and sorta made me sick. I always hated Cho as a character as well, plus there was the fact there was no H/G stuff (well okay there was like a second when Ginny looked jealous but whatever) which will make HBP really awkward, like Harry just kisses Ginny cos Hermione loves Ron.

When the pre-DA get together at the Hog's head Hermione stands up and goes: " Hello, I'm Hermione Granger" I kinda burst out laughing there cos I was anticipating her to say: "Hello, I'm Hermione Granger and I'm an alcoholic."

Sirius head in the fire was better this time it looked so GAY in GoF. Then there was the snake dream and I'm kinda annoyed there was no St. Mungo's especially seeing Neville's parents and Lockheart :( Fast foward to Occlumency, THEY CUT OUT MOST OF SNAPE'S WORST MEMORY!!!! ARGGGH THAT WAS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR, FOR 4 YEARS GODD DAMN IT! No Lily/James and no Harry talking to Sirius and Lupin about his parents.

Christmas was cute, especially when Ron gets his jumper and Hermione's like :"You'd look really sweet." Awwww. And then there was the tapestry which was also different to what I imagined and Sirius' "We'll be a family."

Then there was the centaur thing with the Umbitch and my fave bit THE MINISTRY. Lucius Malfoy was awesome but Bellatrix Lestrange OMG. DROP. DEAD. AWESOME. Every moment she was on screen you had your eyes locked on her, she was to quote Ron: "BLOODY BRILLIANT!" And then when she AK'ed Sirius and I felt like crying. Lupin trying to hold back Harry and everything. Very sad. (Note: There wasn't very much Lupin like 3 lines and him appearing at Grimmauld Place that's it. :( I love him and his wolfy charm)

Then there was the Voldemort vs. Dumbledore which made me sleepy, the bit where Voldemort invaded Harry's mind was SO AWESOME though that it made up for some of the other crap that disappointed me. Then there's Fudge who walks in, (in his PJ's no less) and sees Voldy and sorta goes: "Oh, he's back." lol.

So it was a pretty good film, Ron was soo cute i wanted to steal him and take him home ;) but Grawp was also pretty cool especially with his bicycle bell rining and his crush on "Hermy".

So even though I reckon it could have been more awesome, go see the Movie cos it really revvs up your inner fangirl

P.S I decided to move my graphics over to cosmic_goldfish (just while you're all reading)

harry potter, ootp

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