Some of the many reasons my husband is just that awesome

Nov 27, 2007 17:06

*Came down the mountain from work yesterday. This time of year, this far north, it's pitch black 5 o'clock at night. Cold and raining. I walk in the door and a big pot of homemade chicken soup is on the burner. We had to eat, then go back out into the weather to go to plasma-but hey, there's no one I'd rather go with to sell my blood for money.

*The other day I was telling him how pleased I am that I've been blogging somewhat regularly, and maybe I'd get up enough gumption for some fic. I mentioned one for due South; the writing is done, it just needs some screencaps to be finished (as opposed to my Tam Lin/dS thingie, which needs much writing to be finished.) So I come home a couple days later and he's on the computer, trying to figure out how to make screencaps. Since then he's looked in the manual for our computer's DVD player and read articles online. Not every guy would go to that kind of trouble to help his wife with fanfic, which has a good chance of eventually leading to full fledged gay porn (if I apply myself. And, you know, do the proper research ;)

*I was feeling pretty crappy last week for various reasons. He did a lot over the long Thanksgiving weekend to help me de-stress. We went for a long walk in the woods Thanksgiving day and he listened while I talked and talked, analyzed and dissected a situation at work. We talked about it and he helped me by giving me a perspective outside of my own head, and it turns out I really am an excellent nanny, and not the incredible fuck-up I was feeling myself to be for a few days. We went for walks Friday, Saturday and Sunday as well. I hadn't been getting enough excercse or sunlight lately (again, very far north, lots of darkness.) It did me a world of good. We talked about the other things that have been stressing me out. I was wound pretty tight and he massaged my neck and shoulders so I could unclench myself.   We watched a lot of really good TV. I'm feeling so much better, it's like night and day. Things are far from perfect, but I have a new perspective and the will to see it through.

Seriously, If I wasn't married to this guy he'd still be my best friend:)

And yet another reason.....

He's considering writing a story for 
bottom_rodney where Teyla fucks Rodney up the ass with a strap-on. Is he just The Coolest, or what?

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