Also Sprach Kurosawa

Sep 15, 2005 22:56

Nothing like Pseudo-commentary in visual format to drive the axiomatic portion of my being into a near hurricane force motion. My problem is still medium... my creations are still to undefined... the images are too frenetic, too changing.. I have to stay within the lines enough for others to see the shape... I cannot create something no other person will interact with, it's pointless... I want to Write it down, draw it, paint it, Sing it, I don't care... I want it to be there so I can show others what I'm seeing every moment.. There are worlds upon worlds in me that I cannot get out... I cannot express them... What is the point of the grandest vision if it cannot be shared.

Serene moment suspended in a sea of chaotic creation,
Beauty contrasted by the ultimate devastation,
Silence heard only in the aftermath of a gunshot,
Peace found only when War cannot continue...

Why must all things be so absolute...
Why must all my absolutes be so... abstract...

Why am I given a gift I cannot understand... or understand but not convey... or convey only in the most temporal of mediums...

Am I spiraling..

New Point.

A Friend of mine said that a Story was the ultimate goal of any life...
If Someone Else tells Someone Else about you, of their own free will, you are immortal.
A Tale of your Deeds and Daring-Do that will stand the test of time...
that friend also told me, not with words, but with deeds, that a true story, True, with the big T, a Real Story, not Reality, but a Story by the truest definition, was a Legend.
A Story So great that it had to be told, and once told, could not be forgotten...
To become a Legend, even part of one, is the ultimate goal of existence...

I cannot doubt him... but I must posit an alteration.
No man is a Legend... No woman... No animal..
the Legend is in the telling... Any man can die for a great cause, saving hundred, thousands, millions...
but when his name is forgotten... when the date, and the reason are forgotten... he is nothing...
But if one person Tells the Tale... Spreads the name, expands the horizon... that man is no man any more...
He is a Legend...
So, a Legend is born of two people, at least... One to do great things... and another to make sure no one ever forgets...

I must Posit one further thing... A Tale can be told, even if no deeds are done...
I can tell you of a True Hero, and his Ultimate Triumph against Indescribable Evil.
I can invent a world for him, or her, or it, to Save...
I can conjure demons and gods to aid and hinder him...
I can Order forth armies and silent killers...
I... Can...

But, I cannot remember my vast creation when the telling is done...
as my time passes, the players in my Tales remember better than I...
My worlds in waiting succumb to a darkness I cannot stall or command...
the names... the places... the people... the histories...
Even now, I can tell you fully the history and futures of more places and people than you have ever known...
But I cannot tell you how long they have waited for freedom...

I am overjoyed at their creation... and frustrated beyond words that I cannot make them stay.

I am finished with this... it brings me nothing to complain.
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