Feb 03, 2009 18:24
A year now.
By human reckoning.
More than a year.
And how much of that without him?
How much of that here?
Trapped, idle, here?
I hadn't noticed.
The days pass by.
I remember my arrival.
And now a year since then.
And what of what I left?
No change there.
Arrivals, departures.
What is my place anymore?
What is my purpose?
A year.
More than a year.
[ooc: Yes, it's true! Conversations with Allen made him realize, oh snap, he's been here a year. BRB, angelic emo.]
te deum laudamus,
city =/= heaven,
how time passes,
missing people,
lost cherub,
desperately seeking rosiel,
te rosiel laudo,
so ronery,
nothing owing nothing owed,
there is still hope,
do not want,
city =/= hell,
at loose ends,
things done and left undone,
one year