"It feels just like I'm falling for the first time"

May 16, 2005 23:04

So I survived!!! Yep.. my first day of work. I worked 8-3:30 not too bad.. and I actually didn't suck at it.. Me and Justin (one of my coworkers-- weird sayin that) cleaned out this storage room area.. which is up a flight of stairs in the garage area.... full of TONS of filing boxes... all from like 98-99 got rid of probably 25-30 boxes full of papers... threw out a lot of trash, etc...
I was DIRTY! and sweaty and tired.... but hell it's gonna kick me into shape and I'm pumped and ready!

The only really bad thing that happened at work was that I got a serious paper cut on my pointer and it just started to bleed massively... narsty. and when I moved a tub with Justin my pinkie got all scraped up.. but I'm buff.. and I wont let anyone tell me theres something I can't do.

Then after I worked a longgg day.. I guess I just couldn't get enough.. so I went over to Charter Oak where the Varsity team was practicing .. and ofcourse I helped because I love softball and can't let it go... and not to mention again.. it's kickin my ass into shape...

When I got home.. I could have sworn if my legs were cut off.. I would have felt less pain. haha

eh but it's work.. and it's what I asked for.. and i'm not complaining... I'm embracing! I can't wait to get dirty and sweat more!!

(oh and on the season finale of the Bachelor... which lasted FOREVER and was dragged on FOREVER... Sarah B won!!! Wooooo)

early night for me 11:11. but I got work at 8!!
oh the life.
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