Jul 10, 2004 01:42
I leave bright and early tomorrow/today.
I'm planning on not sleeping at all tonight but I'll mostlikely be falling asleep by accident.
Tonight was so hard to say good-bye to Kev... I know I'm sounding really rediculous but It's practically a full month before we really get back together for more than a day.
He's so perfect for me and I feel like a part is missing without him. It's going to be tough.
I saw "The Notebook" today... and I balled my eyes out but it was Soooo good. I get sad thinking about it. but a good sad.... in otherwords.. it was AWESOME.
I'm nervous about my trip. :-/
So for my last update in a LONG time------
GOOD-BYE! See you yesterday!
(Goodluck to Kev on your DL test! Goodluck to the 18-U Eliminators in the upcoming tournaments! And I hope everyone has a great 2-3 weeks without me!!!!)