Jun 19, 2004 01:55
Dear LJ users and others who may stumble upon this,
I want to make it clear that despite all of my bitching and over-reacting... I love my boyfriend more than anything in the world. I may say things or think things on account of my current feelings... but that in no way will take away the love I feel for him.
The past few "entries" were written when I felt betrayed-- when in reality, it was a miscommunication... we talked about the things that needed to be talked about and hopefully solved most if not all of our misunderstandings.
After reading the last few things I wrote, it makes him look like a total shit head... which is not true at all. I love him and he loves me... everyone has a fight once in a while and I just needed to express myself somewhere-- and LJ was the first place I went.
I am SO SORRY Kevin... I never meant to hurt you or make you look like a monster. I love you.
Always and forever,