First off I have to say that I actually really enjoyed Hostel. And although I really don't have much desire to see part 2, I am enjoying what Eli Roth is saying about HOSTEL II.
6 Reasons Why Hostel Part II Will Mess You Up By Eli Roth
- In the first movie it was the three guys, but in Hostel Part II the violence is harder to watch because it’s
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1.) Coldplay
2.) Coasters and their importance
3.) Eli Roth
I am not sure that is what he is doing or trying to say actually. Watching his commentaries on Cabin and Hostel, you get the feel from him that he really loves the genre and the film-making.
What is horror? What is horrific to us now? Why do we watch horror? These are important questions that once you explore them and understand, you can see what he is trying to do to a degree. Yes it is highly marketable and he will make money--but why?
When I was talking to Marcell about making a horror movie I explained to him what scared me and made me uncomfortable--and how those can be one and the same but how you have to choose who you will alienate with fun scary and real scary. Like the re-make of Hills had some of the most disturbing shit I had seen in a real long time--it was scary and uncomfortable. And that's the kind of horror I would make. I want to push the envelope because I would want to make a statement with my horror.
I could go on and on but I guess since you aren't much of a horror fan to begin with it would be hard to sell to you in a lot of ways.
These movies are an acquired taste really, and as a horror fan and gore hound myself, I look forward to these flicks.
I don't know if I myself would do this kind of horror. I'll do a bit of blood and gore, but I always lean towards the Hitchcock type of thrills. I don't think I can write uncomfortable. But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching these movies. I thoroughly enjoyed Hills Have Eyes (both the original and the remake) and I liked Hostel. As a filmmaker I couldn't make that kind of horror, but as a filmgoer I love this shit.
I like Eli Roth and all he's done so far and I love his enthusiasm for the craft, but something about Cabin Fever I just couldn't get in to. I was kind of bored actually, which bothers me cause it seems like something I would really like. I always fall asleep when I see it.
I spent two days with four blood recipes for a haunted house.
Me+gore=zombie love I guess.
As for Cabin Fever--Marcell didn't really get it either. He found the humor to be displaced whereas I found it to actually makes things real. Plus I have this thing about germs and necrotizing. The worst part about the TWO recluse bites I have had in my life was hoping I would catch them before my skin began to rot. So once more, we're talking about the truly horrorfic to me.
Yeah, I guess I'm not the biggest horror fan. I have reasons, but I don't want to alienate my friends who ARE huge fans of the genre. I just don't think it takes a whole lot of thought to say, "okay, rape is really scary, so let's make a scene where a woman gets raped and blood is everywhere, and the "monster" starts blanking her brains out... literally... yada yada yada."
I understand there is a fan base for it, I've just never cared for it myself. I've always latched onto the school of Spielberg where there are just some things better left unseen in a movie. I like the masters of suspense, who can make you afraid by showing you practically nothing. I could go on and on about it, but it's just my opinion.
I love Hitchcock. That's the first 'horror' my mom introduced me to. And what you don't see in Pyscho, what you're mind guesses at is what makes it creepy. Everyone wants to know what really happened to Norman--but kind of thinking about it is what is creepier. And seeing the mom isn't as scary as waiting to see the mom.
As for the rape--he said 'sexual element' which can include a gamut of things that aren't rape, and once again I point to the new Hills Have Eyes. One girl being anally raped in the background is horendous but what's truly awful, is the deformed killer suckling breast milk from the mom in a sexual fashion. That's the real horror. That's something that really happens. It's demeaning and horrible and in your face and then almost cathartic in it's viewing because as a female it like, "yes, that scares the fucking shit out of me and here it is staring me in the face--now what do I do with that? How do I deal with it?" Maybe I am the rare horror viewer who is looking for something to hit me that way.
And how the hell could you alienate me by telling me what you don't like about horror movies? Last time I checked that wasn't why I (or Pat) were friends with you? Now if you want to keep being friends with Stephe...well you know how I feel about that. :)
Ans sometimes Spielberg does show the 'monster'.
Give me awhile. I can find more reasons to keep putting off the actual date.
And your sudden liking of comic books and Simon Pegg aren't going to give you any leeway buddy.
Anyway, what are you talking about my "sudden" interest in Simon Pegg? I would be willing to bet I saw Shaun of the Dead before YOU did. I know for a fact I saw it before Patrick did. I'm not trying to get into a "who's the bigger fan" argument, but I didn't just jump on some bandwagon recently.
As for comics, I only like them when they have something deeper to tell other than "who's going to stop Lex Luthor or The Joker THIS time?" I like the comic movies, but I don't read Spiderman anymore. Watchmen has a deeper story to tell... even though Alan Moore is one effed up Brit.
I think it's funny how I'm a Christian, and you're and Atheist... yet the biggest reasons you think we'd never get married is because I like Coldplay and don't use a coaster regularly. LOL!
What else did your comment say? Oh yeah. Comics. Maybe if someone *coughcoughyou* had razzed me about them in the first place and actually talked to me about them before suddenly laying out the Alan Moore revelation (my favorite writer btw) I wouldn't have done that old fan/new fan thing. My bad. I only really the narrative books myself, all of my basic, i.e., known comics knowledge, gleaned from an over-zealous ex.
Secretly I am really pleased you like Watchmen so much.
In the end, my religious beliefs could change, I could find the faith. I always said it could happen. You might convert me. Therefore, I never thought of it as being a problem to our union.
As for Coldplay, the likelyhood of them pulling something out of their asses that completely blows my mind is doubtful. :P
I was promoting Shaun Of The Dead when it was released in the UK and no one knew about it hear yet. And then ironically I was the last person to finally see it when it hit the U.S. I recall Andrew giving me his review of it, before I could even see it.
As for the whole comic book thing. Yeah, geeks. Both of you.
And it won't be the religious topic that seperates you two, it will be The Coldplay issue and maybe even U2. Although I don't know if that is something that has been resolved yet.
Plus Andrew hates the Yeah Yeah Yeahs!
But that's another story.
I'm really not that big a comic fan. I used to be when I was like 7 or 8. But that was mainly because I liked to draw the X-Men. Watchmen is different though. AND I thought Rorschach is a cool character in the book (which I still heven't finished actually) and sort of fit my LJ persona. Or maybe I just thought he was cool. LOL.
And as for Shaun of the Dead. Crystal could have discovered the movie first. That doesn't bother me. I just love British comedy. I love everything from Rickey Gervais to Eddie Izzard. So when I heard about it, I was in (and saw it opening day with my brother.) Also, I love zombie movies. I'd say zombies films (or anything like it) are my favorite horror genre. 28 Days Later remains my favorite TRUE horror film. But as we've discussed, I'm no expert on horror.
Yeah... we'll never get married.
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