
Jul 11, 2005 23:33

I'm reading an introduction to logic book. I forgot who it's by but it's interesting. I went to Borders tonight but got there a few minutes before it closed and so didn't get anything. I also lost my list of what to get. I got a so-called animal-style cheeseburger at in-and-out burger. It didn't seemed that "animaled-out" though. I can still sort of taste it. I almost forgot how much I liked to read till I started reading that logic book this summer. Today I went online and looked up the IQ's of famous people. One site estimated Leonardo da Vinci's IQ to be 220. I was amazed, then I saw on another site that this guy named Billy Sidis had an IQ estimated of 250. Why are Billys so intelligent? Here's some of the story http://www.sidis.net/BioWilliamJamesSidis.htm and http://www.sidis.net/Story5.htm .
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