
Oct 20, 2006 12:35

So, the day hasn't started off to great.

I'm quite pissed at the moment. Um. I woke up quite late this morning... and therefore didn't get to enjoy a hot shower. it was cold in my room.. which is good when I get to take a hot shower. but... this time not good.
Got to school, professor wasn't there yet again. Hate that class. HATE it. I like the material and the projects, but I hate it otherwise.
Um had a break.. had fun doing the SUDOKU on my new game pallet. That was fun, drank some tea hung out with my friends... yadda yadda.
Go to politics. The TA, the poor thing, has to relay bad news to us and all we know to do is retalliate. She is on our side and the professor doesn't know what he is doing or how to write a decent test. F the curve if it's so big because we all fail the test.
Whatever. He clearly doesn't understand things.
My research in animal methods class talked about WMD's and HMD. How livestock can be used to infect the entire world... etc etc. It was neat. I just can't focus becasue they turn the lights off. Got a poster, that was neat.
Today I had lunch alone, like anyother Friday. Sat next to this couple outside on the benches, and well that makes me mad to begin with. Then I'm just sitting there and what happens? Just like pretty much every friday? I get crapped on by a bird. If I had a gun I would have shot it out of the tree. Never happens any other day but a Friday. Right on the shoulder. Sick.
Then I'm walking to the ILC and it's parents weekend so parents are pointing and looking and little children are running wild. Tents are set up all around blow up castles etc... then further down the mall separated from everything else a tent for the "students for the ethical treatment of animals" oh barf. Of course there are girls there just sitting there with their signs "did your food have a face??" um. yes. it did actually. thats what makes it good. I really had the urge to say "sweetie, I'm going to be a Veterinarian. I work in an animal hospital. I save and will save more animals than you will EVER have the opportunity."
FU animal rights activists. My research animal methods class has really instilled my views on animals. I enjoy that class. If people only understood.

Oh, I had to drive the ghetto truck to school today. Almost died while accelerating onto Speedway. Thats just wonderful. Better yet, the "UofA Dad" sticker just makes the package complete.

I have chemistry soon. Class which isn't doing what it should for me.
Dumb politics teacher, saying our papers need to be re-graded.

I'm starting to hate people who cuss. It's really getting to me. School. Work. Friends. I hate it. But I suppose I contradict myself when I get angry, but just everyday words. no. not cool.

I got to poke a technician's dog yesterday with needles. She wanted to help me find the veins in dogs. It was really neat. But I found my thumb too. So I was bleeding lots and now I hvae a sore thumb.

Okay. I think my rant is done. ENough of this. Off to chem homework!
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