It's Like That, And That's The Way It Is!

May 03, 2007 05:06

Life has been pretty so-so lately. We finally decided the Hyoutei line up and I'm fukubuchou, which I'm really happy with because I didn't think I'd get anything at all! I guess Kabaji's involvement with the Crochet Club made him less of a candidate? I don't know how these things work...

I got invited out for some sort of team bonding thing with all the guys from last year and then I found some stuff out and it made me upset. My therapist said that if I get upset anymore, I should turn off the computer or channel my sadness and frustration into something creative! So I decided to write a short story! I hope everyone likes it! :)

Title: How to Channel Frustration into Something Creative!
Fandoms: Kingdom Hearts/Prince of Tennis

Once upon a time there was an evil witch called Malefisaeki. She was a really mean old witch who wanted to open Kingdom Hearts, which was this big door. (I think. I still haven't completed Kingdom Hearts so I'm not really sure!) Malefisaeki went around making people upset and making worlds go all swooshy and black and dissappear-y and everyone was sad and angry.

While all this was happening however, there were three friends called Soratarou, Kairishido and Rikiyoshi . Rikiyoshi was kind of cool but everyone knew that Soratarou and Kairishido were really really close and everyone thought their relationship was really sweet. And Rikiyoshi went off by himself a lot and muttered about how he wanted to do and see more and Kairishido and Soratarou thought he was kinda lame, but they never told him that.

However, to unlock Kingdom Hearts, Malefisaeki needed some Princesses of Heart, and unluckily Kairishido was a Princess of Heart! So Malefisaeki was really mean and came and stole Kairishido away!

Soratarou was really sad and upset and for a while he didn't really do much except mope and whine, and then his mom asked him if he wanted to start having therapy and Soratarou thought that was a really good idea! His therapist was really nice and kind and gave him a Racketblade which meant he could fight all the evil monsters that Malefisaeki sent after him, and so Soratarou went on an epic quest to get Kairishido back! He made lots of cool friends on the way like Aladdin and Jack Skellington and Merlin, Merlin even said "Soratarou, you are specifically not lanky or brutish in size!"

Eventually Soratarou found Malefisaeki, who turned into a dragon (and it took Soratarou four tries to kill that dragon form cause it's really hard!). Soratarou killed Malefisaeki (and then poked her with his Racketblade a few more times. And then kicked the dead body. And kicked it some more) and rescued Kairishido! And Rikiyoshi, who had temporarily turned to the dark side and become a ninja, came back and everyone was happy!

"Wow Soratarou!" Kairishido said. "That wasn't lame at all!" She was really impressed.

"Thanks!" Soratarou said. "Let's go back home to Hyoutei Islands and we can be good friends again without any awkwardness!"

"Ok!" said Kairishido.

And they did.


It's been a while since I wrote anything so I might be a little rusty :)

Mukahi-senpai, when are we going for ice cream sandwiches?

EDIT: I am not a pig mucker either! Nor do I live on a farm! I just wanted to say that.


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