Well. Yesterday I somehow ended up in Monstro! It was a pretty rubbish level in Kingdom Hearts and it was even worse yesterday because
not-pretteh-at-all-fuku was there. Although it was kind of cool being in an actual level! With actual Heartless! Too bad Sora wasn't there to get rid of them for us. The Heartless we found didn't respond well to driftwood attacks. Which was obvious, but Saeki's never played Kingdom Hearts. He was probably one of those children who had an abacus for Christmas rather than a Sega Mega drive. It'd explain a lot. :)
This means I have to get revenge on Chitose and Tachibana now! I did have a new fic lined up ready to post about horses, but I think it's a little too shocking for LiveJournal. (no vore fic for a while. I have a whole new perspective on it now ;_;) So any ideas for revenging?