Apr 13, 2006 12:20
I BOOKED MY FLIGHT TO ENGLAND TODAY! : ) I have never wanted anything more in my entire life! If you would have told me that I would have been this happy a year ago, I would have laughed hysterically. I was talking to my grandmother yesterday, and she said something that just made me think. She said "Everything is great in your life." And I have to say, YES! Ever since last year and Kenny being in the hospital, I have learned what my priorities are. I used to be so neurotic and worrysome, but why? None of that makes any difference. Only one thing really matters: love. The people you love, the people that love you, and the things that you love. None of this other crap matters. Granted things with Kenny will never be "normal" again and I hate school and the stress that goes with it, but at this point, my life is great. Kenny is doing well now, school is going well for a semester that bored me, I have great friends, a wonderful family, and a guy that loves me more than anything in the world. Its amazing how a slap in the face from reality can make you realize what really matters in life. And as much as I complain, this $1000 I'm shelling out for my trip, doesnt matter. I am having the time of my life. I really am.
Okay, little random tangent about life for a second there. Well, besides the booking of my flight, I really dont have any other news. I am going home Saturday after work for Easter. I havent been home in a month, since Spring Break. This semester I have only been home 2 times. Only 2 times! I was reading my written diary the other day, and when I was a freshman I had wrote how I hated college. Then I went home like every weekend. And look at me now. I have finally come to terms with college. I just figured it out. And now its almost time for me to leave! I was filling out my housing contract for next year, and I checked the box that said "Junior". I had to wite it out! It was at that point I went "OH CRAP! I AM GRADUATING IN A YEAR!" Poop man! I know lately we have all been having "What the crap am I doing?" moments. I think thats normal. Normal reaction to a great change in our lives. I dont know what I want to do either. I want to definelty go on in psychology. Grad school definetly. Might be delayed since the odds of getting into a psych grad school right out of college is slim. Now, dont get all "You can do it!" on me. Im not being pessimistic, I'm being practical. So I'll probably take that first year and just find odd jobs, and then when I go on to apply, I'll have a better chance at getting accepted since I'll have some experience. Experience doing what? Who knows. I really want to go into counseling, but lately I feel like its my destiny to go into clinical and maybe some research. I know at this point in my life I am not ready to separate the personal from the disease, but maybe some day I will. Just not today.
Okay, again, if you feel lost in my writing, thats okay. If you dont understand why I am rambling on about something I cant bring myself to say, thats okay. In time I will be ready. But right now I am not. All I need to say about that one.
Alright, I think its time to go to bed now. AND IT IS FRIDAY TOMORROW! : ) Thank god! This was the longest week ever it seemed like. Probably because I knew that I would be going home Saturday. So, I shall hop over to weather.com and then figure out what I am wearing tomorrow. And I think my Pamprin is kicking in, I just got real drowsy. Have a beautiful day all, and YAY FOR SPRING!