Feb 21, 2010 23:22
i drive to and from work or even just around town on a very daily basis and just look at all the houses i pass by in jealousy. i wonder what life is like in each one. who everyone is. i like to look at the windows in the office buildings and wonder if they people working there are happy with what they are doing. i have never really been one to care for money so much however i do like to live life in comfort knowing that i can eat and get new shoes at the same time. when i was 17 i knew for sure that personal training was for me. no doubts were in my mind that someday i would be doing just that. by the time i was 22-23 i wasnt sure but felt i should give it a try full time instead i the random part time training jobs i had throughout college. now i am at a point where i am not sure this training thing is for me. i dont know what i should do with my life. i would love for someone to tell me what road i am supposed to take and if i am in fact making the right choices. i feel so lost. i just know i wont be able to handle waking up at 4:30am or dealing with people that dont really want my help. i need to talk to someone who knows the amswers. i don'tthink anyone knows the answers.