First things first... the cute stuff! Ultra sound pics!!!
Things are going well with the pregnancy *knock on wood* my biggest complaints this month are my continuing daily heart burn and the newly swelling of the ankles after a long day of work, though they aren't as horrible as I have heard they can be. Thus, I will keep my bitching to a minimum here.
Now. Another subject. RACISM!!! Isn't that controversial. I, myself am far from a racist, though I think I was recently called one in a polite way by an arrogant co-worker of mine. My confusion here is as follows; I cannot stand lazy people who pawn their work off onto other people, especially newbies. With the previously stated in mind I think that my co-worker thinks of me as a racist as this describes her to a tee. Did I fail to mention that she is from the Philippines? Why yes, I think I did. So because I hate lazy, lazy people and she happens to be a lazy person who also happens to be of "Philippino decent". Sorry, but its not my god damn fault she is from the Philippines. I would dislike her just the same is she was lazy and white.
Now. Same subject, but rather a different direction... Why on Earth do people of a different race who fall into the minorities of America who strive so hard to fit in and erase racism create it themselves. Seriously! This woman made the biggest god damn deal out of my complaints against her lack of strong work ethic and seriously thinks that, "I target her because she is 'different' ". That is a direct quote from the woman herself. I guess that is one of the many reasons I don't work to make friends...
I actually tend to not socialize outside of work with most people though there are always exceptions. There are just some people that is it difficult enough to have to act professional to for 8 1/2 - 9 hours a day, why the hell would I want to subject myself to their arrogance even more and not get paid to deal with it? Any and all feedback regarding this subject is greatly appreciated! Those of you LJ-users that I know and know well know that I am the furthest thing from racist, and well those of you that don't know me as well.... time will show the truth.
I hope that you all enjoy our ultra sound pictures as its our last batch. The only way we will have another ultra sound is if I do not deliver the baby by April 21, 2007. I sure as hell hope its before that, though I refuse to have it on April 17, 2007 because I will not let my child have the same damn birthday as Spanky Payne!