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Jul 29, 2005 15:03

Just got back from the movies with Cait. Yes we went at 12:05, it was the first showing the first day Must Love Dog's came out. It was so good, I definitely reccommened seeing it. Just fucking hilarious. And now I'm off to work in like an hour. But I'm working with Ben and Vida tonight, my favorite people haha.

On Wednesday Dan took me up to Boston. Although we left at like 10 we didn't get home til around 5 30. It was like fucking 100 degrees there. He showed me around Northeastern, really nice school. Nice campus, the gym was my favorite part, it was huge. We got some wraps, then hung out in his apartment which was pretty big and air conditioned and watched some South Park for a while. After the fucking HOT car ride back to westfield, Chris and I went out and got some Friendly's. Then I had to stop by BK and see the schedule. Then what did I do after that? I went back at the Mitus' 'cause I serisouly live there. I don't know what I'm gunna do when Cait is gone at BU. :( Yesterday was Chris' mom's birthday so there was a little get together at the Sico's. Chris Mo was there too, and it was nice to see all of the Sico's again :).

Gotta get ready for work. Peace outttt.
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