(no subject)

Apr 02, 2008 19:30

Ladies. Gentlemen. Often disgusting hybrids.

As opportunities present themselves with such great aplomb for the overly foolish, ambitious, or idealistic... shan't we do please introduce a manner of courtesy?

The office is simple: Wardenship, and the associated police counsulate. The duties are... never respected, so restraints are minimal. All smiles for the politically eager - and in fact...

...factions would love nothing more than to secure your position upon dutiful contract. We can see to your campaign. We shall see you elected.

And naturally, without threats of biting, torture, and execution thereof.

Now shall we discuss bribes commissions ~ ?

Ishida, take legible notes.

[ooc: be... cause someone had to try to profit from this. ._. FIRST CAMPAIGN PR FIRM AROUND, PEOPLE, GATHER UP. WE MANIPULATE FOR A GOOD CAUSE. *__* v ]

purrrrrrrrr-fect, minions just need a smackin', sell your soul much?, bitchin' 9 to 5, a-schemin' we go, a bite of god's hand, more manipulative than the average mason, warden bribes pay good bills, game over i win, i am what i am, capitalism makes me god

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