...and insofar, our lovely candidates for administrative function: unabashed killers, sycophants, lechers, incompetents, tyrants, decrepit tyrants, and kindergarden graduates (with all and exceptional honours).
Hades, but I should candidate. Alternatively:
...for reasons produsely aesthetic.
Ci~rucci, about the
dog, you are not to - ...mmmm. Whichever of you is in still recognizable pieces once the deed has been done is to procure me some hellebore. If you're unable to do so singlehandedly, discreetly borrow the other's one brain cell for the duration.
I hear word the Lady Sara Mudou is yet again amongst us. Tisk, and not a kiss to spare ~ ♥ ~ ? Un~kind.
private to palace staff :: warded :: cursed
Kakuzu, I assume you bring some word in victory, or your head as due offering in its stead.
Mister Brocklehurst, a moment. Perhaps, several.
Rest of you precious little things... we're under contract to promote this naive profligate in his excuse of a campaign. Kindly see to it that all support is executed, however desperate our measures. Preferably, only kill rival candidates when you can't bribe them.
private :: warded :: cursed
...this body... as it was, mere days before, touched, tainted, horrible... this body cannot betray - cannot - can... for this body, the true fortune of God's blessing, meaningless otherwise, meaningless in its entirety, surely if we play this game of fidelity, then - then... this body, wasn't this my reward also?! Firstborn, birthright - birthright - and El, you - this...
And so we are calm, tranquil, known under the First Word - so we are, and this has passed. This is nothing. Never was.
Think not, think no longer, think, think, think -
Never happened.
This body is beautiful.
[ooc: ...I owe some plot tags, I'm sorry, please kick me if I forget anything. ._.b]