(no subject)

Nov 20, 2007 22:12

Lo~ng nap... and such precious commodities duly estranged in my leave. Far from me to demand a report of all my Cathedral companions... and yet farther still to not expect it.

And ah ~ ♥ ~ let's play.


If you are or have been associated with my discrete and rather pliant whims dutiful machination trifles, do consider the completion of the following material. Go forth, henchmen noble commoners ~ !

[rather vile and idiotic appellative that you insist to go by sooner than Rosiel's uniquely fluffier "You - worthless waste of oxygen!"]:
[are you a sociopath/pervert/shame for your kind]:
[...if not, why were you employed, again?]:
[how was your service obtained]:
[have you died throughout service]:
[promotion possibilities]:
[will you ever get the distinctly citrusy aroma out of your hair]:
[do you know that orange peeling is an activity most beneficial to your hands' moisurizing that should be often pursued]:
[job description]:
[job benefits]:
[have you lost a limb throuhgout service]:
[do you wish you had lost a limb]:
[can we discuss the matter of your likely being a masochistic prat in the context of said limb losing a touch more detail]:
[do you love your employer: YES/YES]:

Ah... and by all means, do also play our own part in the growth of small worrisome, soon to be eradicated, why thank you, Little Lord Puppet businesses:


[therapy procedure]: 3/5. There was no duckie. I distinctly asked for a duckie.
[accommodations]: 5/5. Com~for~ta~ble! Eh, not that you needed those bones anyway. It was perfectly logical of me to lounge rather wherever I fancied.
[staff]: 2/5. BUTLER. You are NOT A FURNACE. Fancy, little cloves and wouldn't even share
[cuisine]: 1/5 Mmmmmm. Su~gar cubes. Nothing worth the mention. Clearly.
[overall impression]: Dietrich is pre~tty. And still...ah... keep the day job or consider further professional possibilities as angelic interior decoration. If you can carry flowers on your head, I shall find use for you as a vase ~ !

Hmmm. I wonder... circumstantially, should I tip ~ ?

Wal~ter. Why doesn't Daughter love me? This is all the result of your heinous misdoings! You've traumatized the child!

[ooc: in the exceedingly good mood of anyone who's spent the past five days in hot water, dozing, and recuperating a hand. CUSTOMER SERVICE REVIEWS.]

minions just need a smackin', sell your soul much?, a-schemin' we go, i live for my garters, set-chan bears my hickey, mini-katan for teh_noez!, oh the lol, capitalism makes me god, my kink toy is back, orange conquistadors unite!

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