(no subject)

Jul 06, 2007 18:08

You… all of you… I don’t care how much you’re hurting - how much you bled - who antagonized you - or why - I don’t care if this is memory or delirium or dream - I don’t care.

You cannot - CANNOT - leave me alone. You cannot do this to me.

Wake up. WAKE UP. What manner of affront is -- Wake up.

Then their word bides that Sandalphon has fled. How could he have, and this still be? How-- Wasn't there some beastly old war running amock? Well? Do something, Grimmy-darling, don't just take to a pout!
…Joshua, is that a... corpse ~ ? Pray, do tell me you did not feed anything and it did not follow you home ~ ♥

Someone, wake up and remove it at once! The foul stench and the vermin and the rats and intoxication and - dear Lord, El Above, so have me, so forgive me, I shall be faint… my salts!

private to Joshua :: warded :: cursed

…nice trinket. Lau ~ ♥ ~ ghing ?

[ ooc : WHO WANTS TO DISCOVER A CORPSE? A fifteen year-old, eyes missing, stabbed and strangulated - disheartening view from the Cathedral, so within admirable proximity. Rosiel. Er. Prefers not to touch the body they’re planting for Cori’s delight. =__=;;; ]

purrrrrrrrr-fect, minions just need a smackin', blood and bones, bon appetit, a-schemin' we go, cori-dahling let's make holes together, plottity-plotty-plot, mini-katan for teh_noez!, pwning you since creation, my kink toy is back

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