Contrary to
popular belief, though they've both feathers, ANGELS are NOT, in fact, TURKEYS, NOR to be EATEN ~ ♥
...however. Since I comprehend the desire for white meat variety completely, I of course feel most obligated to rectify this sick little fiasco in culinary originality and propose a recipe of my VERY OWN!
! ~ ♥ ~ CITY "GOD" DISH SURPRISE ~ ♥ ~ !
I. ~ ♥ ~ You take a
self-righteous form of grotesque proportions will do, but for the aesthetic purpose of this exercise, we'll keep to
one City "God" in particular.
Remove all instances of feather, puff, haughtiness and whining.
Add our very own, Angel-decreed:
II. ~ ♥ ~ Serve.
III. ~ ♥ ~ ...any takers? Et bon appetit ~ ♥ ~ !
And... a certain forest dweller might feel inclined to approach my present request of a short business tete-a-tete not without some apprehension. I do so detest having
my toys broken, and without any manner of compensation, understand ~ ♥
[ ooc : ...he, uch, has a calling for this festivity. Happy Thanksgiving for all those celebrating it!]