Dec 11, 2005 17:48
Umm, just a thought people- New Years Eve 2005 where were you? Well I'm going to be absolutely fucking nowhere if we don't all get our arses into gear and organise something.
Wow look at Stewie go, looks like Clare's ann summers last night...
So today is sunday 11th december only um.. not long until my birthday and the shagging comedy store, booyah I can't wait. It is so defiantly going to rock the plank on all birthdays, and I think Rosie will agree with me on this one. We put up the xmas tree today (or exmas as it said on the decorations box), my second christmas fairy takes proud place at the top of the tree this year. Everybody say hello to christmas fairy barbie, she's hot stuff. when y'all come round you must check her out. Yes, so we all went to Clare's ann summers party last night, dunno what to say about the whole experience really, well it was fun, and as Rosie said, dildos= funny and plentiful.