Jul 17, 2006 20:29
is it normal to have a grudge against basically everyone? ummm yea cause i do. somehow everyone...and when i say everyone i really mean EVERYONE...pisses me off in some kind of way. stupid shit like dumb nicknames, and how people are friends with eachother, and how people think they're the shit when they really aren't and are actually kinda annoying because of it. jeezz and if you're thinking this is you when you read this, most likely you're right, because why the hell would i lie to you, cause honestly i don't care. people should realize that they suck at life and when they screw up it's gonna be different...obviously. do you honestly think someone else would make things go back to normal for you. id ont fucking think so. but whatever i guess people are just dumb.
ok so anyways...more complaining
i work monday-friday at 7 a.m. everyday, and i usually work until 5:00...[if you can't figure that out on your own that's 10 hours a day] sometimes even longer then that until like 6 or 7. plus i work on sundays from 10:30-5, so yea if you didn't get that either, i work everyday except for saturday. so all you people that think you're working so much and you're so tired....well you can kiss my fucking ass because if you had my job you'd be tired as shit everyday. ok so stop complaining. i dont complain about it except right now to get all you other fuck heads to shut up about it.
and honestly people, if you really cared you'd say something about it, not just ignore it, so PLEASE stop being so stupid.
ok that's all
<3 hope