Title: Jaejoong’s soft spot (or DBSK ‘s notes)
one_milky_smile Pairing: Jaemin
Rating: PG-13
Genre/Warning: fluff, romance, think-a-lot!Jaejoong and simple-minded!Changmin
Disclaimer: What? What do you want me to say? It’s not like I owned them or anything!!!
Summary: Love is when you start to notice different things about that person but you still like
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But when he saw Changmin kissing a cat when they were filming their first music video, he had felt a little bit…weird.
you know what??? i thought i will always going crazy when i saw this scene.. i swear min was really cute!!! XDXDXD
no wonder that jaejoong can't stand his cuteness too.. XDXD
Twenty minutes later, when Changmin woke up, he was greeted by a smiling Jaejoong and a big ramen bowl with a note ‘for Changmin’ attached to it. awwwwwww sweet jaejoong.<3<3
After that, Yunho took a note for himself: Changmin + cute puppy + sleeping on the sofa = one happy cook Jaejoong and HoSuChun’s full stomachs
wkwkwkwkwkw.. so i guess no complainning, nee, dear leader-sshi... LOL
After all, who wouldn’t love a young man with a breath-taking smile and a pair of mismatched eyes?
i definitely not included to those people, because damn, that mismatched-eyes-smile could be the death of me.. <3<3
and oh... i really liked the idea of the sticky notes.. it's cute how jaejae and min put their feeling on the notes, and i'm sure that HoSuChun is already going crazy by reading their lovey-dovey notes.. *giggles*
great story, dear. love this. <3<3<3
I tried to make Jae as sweet as possible in here *laugh*
thank you for reading and commenting, bb ~~~
p/s: my favorite part to write is the note part too ~~~
i'm such a pedo..>"<
hahaha.. you made it then, dear... he's the sweetest person in this fic.
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