upstairs, for trudy

Apr 24, 2011 21:23

He's got the bag of burgers and fries in one hand, and a six-pack of cold beers in the other as they ascend the staircase towards the rooms. Thankfully, his room hasn't moved (or if it has, Bar has been kind enough to put it back where it was when he left) and everything seems to be in order as they step inside ( Read more... )

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hallelujahpilot April 25 2011, 01:27:29 UTC
They've had arguments about showers before, but she knows that when he says quick, he means it. So, she smiles, and kisses him lightly on the mouth.

"Ain't that hungry, I can wait."

And make herself right at home in the meantime.


one_man_army April 25 2011, 01:44:30 UTC
"Give me just a few."

He ducks into the bathroom, and true to his word, the shower is quick. Once he's done, he steps out into the bedroom to grab some shorts and a clean tanktop from the dresser.

(If she gets a glimpse of his ass, well, then she gets a glimpse.)


hallelujahpilot April 25 2011, 01:49:58 UTC
(Oh no. The shock, the horror, the slightly smug appreciation...


"Ah-hah! So do you exist underneath that dirt."


one_man_army April 25 2011, 01:55:38 UTC
"I was beginnin' to doubt it, myself."

He runs a hand through his hair and shoves it out of his face, then drops into a chair at the table.

"I've probably still got dirt caked in my skin, but I'll deal."


hallelujahpilot April 25 2011, 01:57:22 UTC
"Plus, there are cheeseburgers. And beer. Both of which are real."

This whole 'real food' business is never going to get old.


one_man_army April 25 2011, 02:03:56 UTC
"Real food is really good, right now. As is cold beer."

He reaches for a bottle and uncaps it.

"And seeing you."


hallelujahpilot April 25 2011, 02:12:53 UTC
"Mmm, that, too," she says sagely, but there is a pleased smile. "Still can't believe you were gone for five months."


one_man_army April 25 2011, 02:18:41 UTC
"It was an adjustment," he admits. "But...honestly, it was kind of nice to be back in the world again."

Even if he'd missed the hell out of her.

"And to be doing something real, rather than just watchin' stars explode out the window."


hallelujahpilot April 25 2011, 02:30:37 UTC
"I can understand that." And she can.

(mm, cheeseburger)

"...hang on, out the window?"


one_man_army April 25 2011, 02:32:12 UTC
Carl glances up mid-bite of french fry, finishes chewing, and nods.

"Yeah...the big one downstairs? Supposedly it's an actual view out into...whatever this place sits on the edge of."


hallelujahpilot April 25 2011, 02:32:48 UTC

"Huh. I did not know that."


one_man_army April 25 2011, 02:34:04 UTC
"I'm not sure how much truth there is into it...logistically, we shouldn't be able to go outdoors and not be vaporized in a vacuum if that is what is outside...but when it comes to this place, little actually does make any bloody sense."


hallelujahpilot April 25 2011, 02:37:51 UTC


"Unless the outside by the lake is included in the little...inter-dimensional bubble."


one_man_army April 25 2011, 02:54:36 UTC
"It would explain why the stars don't match up with any charting that I can figure out."


hallelujahpilot April 25 2011, 02:57:28 UTC
"You have access to star charts?"

Her tone is, briefly, why would you want to?


one_man_army April 25 2011, 03:04:28 UTC
"I took a few courses in Delta training that taught me how to navigate using the stars. Only had to use it a few times in the field. Mainly in Siberia."


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