Paris Zénith
I don't know where I have to start, during our UK road trip we keep in touch with Pitchouill and she learns there are many contests with the band, the most interesting is to assist to 30STM soundcheck ^^ except it's a MySpace contest and I haven't a Myspace erf thanks Pitch !!
But finally we will lose the contest huh BUT ...
oh my god, EMI offers to people from the french street team to get 30 people to the soundcheck and I'm in *bounce* we are in Pitch, Mimi, Melissa, Flo hiiiiiii thank you, thank you, thank you !!!
So the day and the day before in fact starts very very good for us, because we were a little worry about the show, it's a big place, french audience sucks ... but it's France, everybody is here and we expect a lot (maybe our mistake). And I'm glad because 2 friends who don't know the band come with us.
We arrived to the Zenith around 12:00 and after a quick lunch at the MacDo, we go back to the place and we learn about Tomo's foot T__T and apparently all the stuff of the band is late …
we gather for the soundcheck … we are supposed to went in the place at 15:00 but we will went at 18:30. But for 15 incredible minutes. We arrive during From yesterday, security guys place us in the first rows of seats, it's far from the stage, but a big place like this, empty, the big zenith empty, it's woooooo, awesome.
A beautiful Lie starts, oh it rocks to be here, to see Tim go to see Tomo and Jared make ajustments ... ^^
Jared blabla and he tries to talk French and count "un deux … troooooiiiiiiiiiis" we scream for Tomo, he is seat on a chair T_T
He asks if we have requests we scream "OBLIVIOOOOOOOOON"
A bit of humor about our accent and he starts the first verse of the song , the guitar resounds and ... I am dead, Oblivion live it's magic, awesome, best moment of the evening even if security guys asks us to go outside before the end of the song T__T.
Thanks to them !! Oblivion my god <3
So we go outside and … we go back in the venue >_<
And when I think about that now, I had a seat ticket but when we go back inside we could be just in the first row, just in front of Tomo pffffff maybe I'll more appreciate the show than in the seats, but I will talk about that later … Anyway, I want to help to distribute the whites balloons, and people are stupid I don't know how it's possible that people wearing white clothes don't know what is Carmina Burana and just want play with balloon yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay but we distribute in the tribune some people are happy to make the surprise …
SOMA the fist support starts to play, I make photos ajustements and f*ck I'm really far from the stage, pictures are awful T__T It's the first "huh why I took a 'seat ticket'" .The band is good, good energy, people follow them.
Second support, huh Full Duplex, first minutes are weird, it's unusual for a 30 STM support and I just don't appreciate the style and the music, and the crowd apparently not.
Carmina Burana starts, it's the last show for Mimi, I apprehend the show at the moment. It's gonna to be great … or not.
ABL link up, in the order of the album, at the moment, I think it will be like in London the day before. The show very pro, goog energy but not with the spontaneity that we used to see in France.
Tomo, he seems to suffer a lot but jump on one foot. He finished the show and what merit, Tomo is a god!!!!
And me, I'm really too far, my last show was Bristol just in first row now I almost need opera glasses o__O I have the impression to see a video on youtube, it's really a weird impression. It's too quiet or something. In fact I guess I like to be crush lol You unsterdand what I mean .. or not doesn't matters XD
Apparently the crowd was more interested by screaming "jaaaaaareeeeeeeeeeed" than to sing the the songs. Not a great audience.
I will not comment songs, It was all ABL ... almost like you listen the cd ... ok no !I'm lying ! they were great, energic, Jared voice sounds great … but it's hard to appreciate. During the show, I always hoped that the set list will be like in London still "the last song is called Buddha for mary" !
I look at my friend "Uh last song ?? what's the fuck?? It's impossible".
BFM ending, guys say good bye, people scream during few minutes and the lights are switch on.
It's the end.
Putaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin (south of france's fuck ^^)
We are revolted and we are screaming and Rose show us the set list and ...
Again putaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
The set list we see is all ABL plus BFM, Capricorn, End, The Mission, and Edge (I think it's correct, It's been 3 months sorry ...)
Should see our faces, we are desperate.
We went behind the venue, and guys says "Hi" behind fences it's depressing, 1 week ago it was hug, talks …
But Jared shows his face, he leaves in a car, but the car stop, he come out and climb on the roof of the car, he talks about Abl video (again) but we are yelling about the set list, not self titled songs…jared blabla again and he explains that Tomo and shannon was hurt, we totally understand the point, they are human but they should have done differently, Jared could have play few songs solo or tell something about that on stage, I don't know but not like it. But of course they can crash. They did.
We come home always depressing, tomorrow we leave for Amsterdam, our last show.
A Beautiful Lie soundcheck.
30 Seconds To Mars Soundcheck ABL - Paris 08envoyé par
LeeleeEchelon Oblivion Soundcheck
30STM soundcheck - Oblivion Paris 08envoyé par
LeeleeEchelon From Yesterday [credit Satheene]
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30 Seconds To Mars - Revolve Paris Zénith 08envoyé par
LeeleeEchelon Pressure
30 Seconds To Mars - Pressure Paris Zénith 08envoyé par
LeeleeEchelon Pressure and A Modern Myth [credit Satheene]
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Hunter [credit Satheene]
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