...we're living in a den of theives, rummaging for answers in the pages...

Nov 22, 2009 12:10

I enjoy White Collar. Neal is hot and charming, Peter is just so dumb and clueless you want to pat him on the head and go 'bless' but five episodes in and it is way too formulaic. In every episode so far their first suspect is the perp and then they set them up and then they solve the case (naturally, involving some of Neal's dubious methods along the way). I love the feel of the show, the crispness and the good old fashioned romp feel to it but unless this Kate thing really ramps up I think I might accidentally drift away. Which is sad. The whole Kate thing(which I have so dubbed it) has the potential to be really intriguing but I have a feeling it will always play second to the FBI cases, which is sad. Although Peter is such a honey I would love more time spent focusing on Neal, Mozzie and Kate with a little Peter thrown in for good measure. Less FBI, more crime-caper. Which unfortunately is not the intent of the show so I doubt it will ever happen.

Oh, and also, seen as we finally got a glimpse of Kate at the end of 'The Portrait', was anyone else pissed off at how pretty she was. They match. Kate and Neal match. Those pruwty eyes...holy mother of......

On an unrelated subject, I read a fic today, as in, about ten minutes ago, about Dean dying of a brain tumor. Usually that sort of thing would have me bawling but it was feeling rather anti-climatic because I wasn't. I had been looking forward to being all emo over it - which sounds weird, I know, but most of you will know what I'm talking about, reading such a great fic that it screws with your head and leaves you a mess for the rest of the day - but Dean died and I didn't shed a tear.

I was feeling rather deflated. But, two chapters to go and Sam reads part of a letter from Dean:

“Mom was so pretty Sammy. Her hair was real long, and it was soft. She used to like to eat ice cream. She liked it a lot. We went out for it a lot. Or at least my four year old mind thought it was a lot. Maybe that’s why you like it so much. But she was soft and nice, and she loved you even though she hadn’t met you. She talked to you all of the time, and when I got jealous (this part I don’t remember, Dad told me) she pulled me aside and explained to me that having a brother is the best thing in the world, that we could be best friends, that I could teach you how to play ball, and how to talk, and walk and all of that kind of stuff.

Sammy, I’m sorry I never taught you any of the normal stuff. I don’t know how to do normal stuff. I’ve never known. All I’ve ever known is how to hunt, how to be a big brother, how to work on a car. Those things you didn’t want or need to know. So I taught you how to chase girls. Not exactly great, but it’s the best I got.”

BWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! Jesus christ, once I started I couldn't stop, why do people do this to me!!!!!! Much congrats to staceycj over at the pit for 'The Bucket List'.

Oh, and I just rewatched 5.10 for about the fifth time. I've finally sorta moved past the goddamn awesome tragicness that was the end of Jo and Ellen and have finally begun to notice other stuff.

"Sam Winchester, having trust issues with a demon, well, better late than never."
"And thank you again for your continued support."
**clink of beer bottles**
"You're welcome."

^^^^^^^^^ Made of the most awesomest WIN of all time. Oh, boys.

So was this between Luci and Cas:

"Castiel, I'm told you came here in an automoblie?"
"What was that like?"
"Um...slow, confining."

Ah, only angels could make that so deadpan and entertaining.

So, did anyone else think.....a Hardware store?!? Well...that's handy!

white collar, fic, spn, i was bored when i wrote this, i heart tv

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