...I just found out there's no such thing as the real world just a lie you've got to rise above...

Nov 03, 2009 16:04

I am increasingly deciding that the only person on the whole planet I would turn gay for in an instant is Danneel Harris. Good God woman, look at you!

She's a red head, like me, so that always earns someone extra brownie points and the reports of many say she has a lovely personality. Damn! And then, because life is just fucking unbelievable, you put the Goddess with the God and you get...

...a couple that is just too damn incredibly gorgeous that I am suspicious of their actual existence. Actually, yeah, I don't think they exist. Dean Winchester and Rachel Gatina are just spiffy special effects, tennis balls on sticks....yep, the wonders of television today! I have yet to actually set my own eyes on these two so until I do I consider them to be null void. People this perfect, a couple this damn perfect, just cannot exist, the world is not made of such fairy tales. I don't know which of the two I am more jealous of, Jensen for banging Danneel or Danneel for banging Jensen....

jensen ackles, danneel harris

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