bunnies are evil.

Jan 29, 2011 16:49

so, where have I been the past 3 months....

.....the Buffyverse!!!

Just watched the Angel series finale last night. I am exhausted from it all really. Having all the DVD's right there, it became like a race to get through it all. 12 seasons of television, over 250 episodes. Sometimes I was managing 2 seasons in a week!! (eek!!)

Overall impressions....wow, so hard to put into words. I guess it was all a bit of a let down, to be honest, but before you get all outraged let me explain. Buffy defines cult TV, people gush over it in everywhich way and because of that, I don't know, I was expecting...I'm not sure...but not what I ended up watching.


I had to keep reminding myself that this was 12 years ago, that on occasion when I felt I'd seen the same plotline countless times before I had to remind myself that every other show was probably copying Buffy in turn. Buffy seasons 1,2,3 > 4,5,6,7 definitely. I loved Angel, Spike, Darla and Dru, I loved the old school Library, the days when Giles was important and of Willow's fluffy cardigans.

But in saying that, aside from Spike, my all time favourite Buffy character is Anya, someone who was mainly in the latter seasons. She made me giggle. Dawn I was indifferent on, dark!Willow was just a little silly, the trio were stupid and, especially into s7, my biggest issues with the show was that it wasn't about that core group of characters anymore. I know the intent was to go larger but those characters are why people love the show, those characters are why I continued watching. Also, Buffy stopped being punny and that was basically the only thing Sarah Michelle Gellar had going for her. So, yeah.


Angel was a great show and I think, if I had been watching these shows live, I would definitely have been looking forward to a new Angel episode during seasons 1, 2, 3 and 4 rather than a Buffy episode from seasons 4, 5, 6 and 7. Angel, Cordelia and Wesley all became better characters in moving from Buffy to Angel and if for that one reason only I'm glad this show was made so we could appreciate these characters more. I loved Fred just as much as Angel, Cordy and Wes. Doyle and Gunn I was indifferent to, Lilah was a treat but I prefered Lindsey. Lorne and Connor...unfortunately I could never really could warm to them at all.

My major thing with Angel, I've come to realise, is that every season was near flawless apart from one horrid plot line they always seemed to shove in which ruin the whole flow of the season. Lets list them.

s1: Not too shabby honestly. I liked Kate and liked how Gunn was introduced I suppose. Maybe Doyle as he was there for such a brief moment it was hardly worth the effort at all.
s2: Pylea (medieval alternate dimensions done on a TV budget will never look good)
s3: Connor (everything up to his birth was awesome, Darla should have killed them both!)
s4: evil Cordy (not only did they make her the villain but a villain who has sex with her sorta almost stepson (Connor), then has an (evil, fully grown) baby to him. ergh)
s5: Iiiyria (why kill Fred, a beloved character, when Iiiyria brought nothing major to the plot)

Although I have my reservations I would truly recommend the Buffy/Whedon'verse to everyone and anyone. Character driven drama, with a mytharc spanning 200+ episodes, that is why television was invented really. Any 'verse that epic is worth getting sucked into (expect maybe if it's Smallville. Alien child is raised as human. Has super powers. Other people do to. He grows up. Mayhem ensues. He eventually becomes Superman. Seriously, that's all you really need to know. ;)


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