I Beat tHat BitCh wIth a BAT!

Feb 04, 2004 20:02

TODAY! i got my PEN PAL letter for Italian... hes name is GIOVANNI and hes 15.. hopefully HOT.. i'lll keep everyone POSTEd... who ever READs this SHIT!.. a.k.a  NO ONE! lol... welll... iam sad! cause iaM going On ALyssa's Bus 4 soPh Hop but i dont have a Date 2 take on THE bus... IAM GOIng SOLo! iam SAD!... some one find me a GUY! lol... well today me and mariel went to get TesTEd to see DEnnIS BOrgoS more OFten.. yea... so taht was Cuuuutttteeee... yEA.. well i g2g iam sad and yea... aighty byeeee

babygrLm88: yo like half the reason that i like ____ now is just cuz  _____ gets mad about it
babygrLm88: hollaaaaa

babygrLm88: half the reason that i like him now is just cuz dirty ugly hoe gets jelous

OH NO!!! haha OH DAMNNNnnnnn!

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