→☆[ 7 ]

Oct 01, 2008 17:23


Kakakakaka~~!! KAORU, the suit of hearts is complete! With King Charles included. ♥ The suit-of-stars-in-place-of-clubs-because-clubs-are-ugly PROJECT has begun!!

I'd like to conduct a survey, O, Impoverished City of Sometimes-Beautiful (Sometimes-Not-So-Beautiful) Commoners~

What shapes should replace the suits of diamonds and spades?

What is defined as "old," for a SHOUTA☆KON kei vam~pi~re~? 101? ♥♥♥

What would be a fun way to pass the time? Those who answer with stupid things will not be forgiven~

Online blogging is so July, really... How boring. I vote we establish a better, more fun past-time~ Something that isn't so passe~ Don't you know what's in and out of vogue? How can they live, Kaoru! Barbaric!

Nee... It's just not as fun without them here, is it, Kaoru...

[ooc | Am I still allowed to play here? OTL I promise I'll start trying harder. This time, I was honestly preoccupied with school. This is one of the rare nights I have very little work to do!! D: I'm so sorry, everyone!
O- and twins are making a deck of cards for Charles for his birthday. :|b
PS ERIC. Charles can receive a flower made out of paper coloured blue with crayon. Like little kids make. :C]

presents, impoverished wtf?, bored, commoners r gross, kaoru, party! party, birthday, charles

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