you don't get much more pretentious than this title

Aug 04, 2007 21:01

I occasionally entertain the idea of ditching Ryo/Uchi for Ryo/Tegoshi, but then I imagine MK smashing a sledgehammer into my face and I come to my senses.

on rediscovering a misplaced identity
a Ryo/Uchi not-so epic in 4,014 words

Uchi quits Johnny's. )

johnny's entertainment, fic

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Comments 37

unrequitedangst August 5 2007, 01:27:40 UTC

I really love how you work meta into your stories. :| I just. ajklsf Your beginning is just so jajkf;asdsjf :| :| :| Uchi's mentioning his mom. The Shinkansen being the only thing that Ryo rides these days. :| :| :| The line about Uchi running in one direction and Ryo running in the other one and ajkfl;afjads bawling. T_T

You are insanely good at scene-setting and using it to convey mood simultaneously. :|

Ryo doesn't recognize the tune; it's not one of Johnny's.

T_T OKAY I JUST REALLY LOVE THAT LINE A LOT. GOD, YOUR RYO. I just, I keep trying to think of how to say this in a way that does not make me sound insanely pretentious, but I really love the way you used the space between Ryo and Uchi here.

"It's easy to stay young under Johnny-san's careful guidance," Uchi tells him flatly.THEIR WATCHING DORAEMON. T_T Uchi ( ... )


one_if_by_land August 5 2007, 01:45:54 UTC
OH IAN, HOW I LOVE YOU. :)))!!!!!!!!! I am so pleased you like it! This fic is probably my favorite of anything I've written in a long, long time, so it makes me SUPER HAPPY to know that you enjoyed it so much. It was a little difficult getting a good hold on the Ryo and Uchi characterization, because I'm dealing with a hypothetical situation and (I feel) in a way a hypothetical Uchi and Ryo.

ALSO, I AM SO FLATTERED YOU THINK I'M GOOD AT SCENE-SETTING AND CONVEYING MOOD ♥♥♥, because I was really torn with how much Ryo could sense and how much he could put into words/thoughts. WOW, this is a really pretentious reply to your ~awesome~ comment. Thanks for reading<3, you're the best.



WHY ARE YOU SO AWESOME??? anyotherknight August 5 2007, 01:48:33 UTC

Augh. I love you. Seriously. This is amazing. Your writing is so straight-forward and concise, like there's no other way it could be so don't think about it because it just is, and then there's the gloriously sleepy mood and everything sore of feels like waking up under a setting sun and realising you've missed everything and it was all so perfect. I'm not even making sense, am I? BUT. ILU. Totally. This is beautiful. ♥♥♥

It was and is figuratively incorrect to call anyone in Johnny's a real musician. Very few of them had harbored any ambitions to become singers or dancers as children; their applications had all been submitted by eager parents or relatives under the promise of great fame and possible fortune. Rarely do professional musicians choose music for the money; they produce music because music is the same as breathing for them, and financial hardships pale in the face of fulfilling a life's dream...This whole section sums up JE and idol culture in general so beautifully, especially hot on ( ... )


Re: WHY ARE YOU SO AWESOME??? one_if_by_land August 5 2007, 01:56:20 UTC
:") :") :")

I'm really glad the meta worked for you!!!!! augh, if Johnny doesn't put Uchi back into NewS and Kanjani8, I don't know what I'm going to do. :( I feel in a way that Uchi (and Kusano) are both stuck, because they've invested too much to pull out now but THEY'RE NOT JUST PUPPETS FOR JOHNNY TO THROW AROUND, I AM REALLY SAD. :(

But I honestly do believe that what they had to go through re: suspension helped them mature a lot than if they never left Johnny's, and because of that part of me will always think that Ryo needs Uchi more than the other way around (not that they're not BFFs and totally MEANT TO BE).


Re: WHY ARE YOU SO AWESOME??? anyotherknight August 5 2007, 02:01:14 UTC
But Johnny`s said they`re not going back into NEWS, which means it wouldn`t be fair for Uchi to go back into Kanjani8, so he probably won`t. (On their last Utaban appearance Nakai was such an asshole; he made fun of the fact that there`s six in a group that was originally eight, and then said, well, it`s better now, ne? *headdesk*)



this_is_cd August 5 2007, 02:20:39 UTC
this is just. I don't have words. Its wonderful and so well-done. I love it! You are very good at setting a mood and atmosphere for this. Your descriptions of the sense-oriented things through out are so perfect. And they way you wrote both of them just works so well. They're very believable and real. I like that this focuses on their friendship and not just some physical attraction.

I'm a sucker for Ryo/Uchi. And Ryo/Ueda. ...and I've been WANTING Ryo/Tegoshi omg. To find it though. HRM! If you ever decide to dabble in it, though... >.> I'd so read! XDDD

Thank you for sharing this!


one_if_by_land August 5 2007, 04:29:09 UTC
Thank you very much for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed the fic! Ryo/Uchi is pretty much my ship in JE. ♥


chiharu August 5 2007, 02:27:47 UTC
YES I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR A SOUL SEARCHING JOURNEY FIC! It's an element not many writers incorporate into their writing, but I'm glad you did because it was wonderfully written in :)


one_if_by_land August 5 2007, 04:30:32 UTC
:) I'm really terrible at meta/analysis by itself, so I use fic as sort of an expressional mouthpiece. I'm really glad the fic worked for you. Thank you for reading!


lovedoesthat August 5 2007, 02:36:16 UTC
This is seriously so amazing, I especially love how you wrote the scene with Ryo waking up in the night and hearing Uchi's breathing, but also everything else obviously, the atmosphere, the ocean scenery, how Ryo doesn't specify without me, the way they're having to deal with growing up and the possibility of growing apart, IT'S JUST SO HAUNTING AND BITTERSWEET AND I KNOW THE ENDING IS UPLIFTING BUT SHIT BING THIS MADE ME WANT TO CRY AT SOME PARTS IT IS JUST SO GOOD. I could never sledgehammer you. :'[


one_if_by_land August 5 2007, 04:31:34 UTC
sup bb, that's like the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. :(( if you ever did want to sledgehammer me, you know I'd let you. :')


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