May 17, 2007 23:51
i feel as though people hit a point in relationships, romantic and not, where they begin to believe, whether consciously or not, that they can take the other person in the relationship for granted. a thought that if they've stayed around me for this long, i can screw up a little and it won't really matter. or the lack of thought at all. i believe that this is so prevalent in relationships today that if i gain one that doesn't seem to follow this pattern, i may cherish it for my whole lifetime. maybe that is what our future husbands/wives are supposed to be like to us...never forgetting how important it is to look before every step or to take another person into account instead of just yourself. sometimes people think that mistakes like these can be solved with simple "i'm sorry"s or "i can't wait to make it up to you" but depending on the situation, maybe they can't. how sorry can that person be if this isn't the first time they've stepped ON you because they weren't looking or if they keep doing it afterwards. i expect myself to notice when i do things like this. if i don't, i am completely embarassed by my actions. and even though i know sorrys do not always cut it, i will keep giving them and showing that i care. genuinely. not the sort of caring that is in place for 10 seconds at the end of a phone conversation and then is forgotten once the end button is pushed. this is the sort of caring that i KNOW that i screwed up. and not just that, but by knowing this, it will bother me more than it will bother the person i inflicted some kind of hurt onto. because that's the type of person i am and that's the type of person i was raised to be. to not accept the initial "it's ok" or "don't worry about it"...because no...i am going to worry about it. and when we find people that will do that same thing for us, we should never let go of them. never lose sight of them. it's just that simple.