Apr 12, 2006 08:05
Last night there was a waxing gibbous moon. Strange name for a big dead rock in space, huh? Yes. It was strange.
I was surprised, atleast. Reading stories about the moon, and about how wonderful it used to be, and how romantic, I was surprised how un-romantic this moon actually was. It seems, when I read about it in stories, that the moon "they" knew back then, and the moon we all know now, are completely different. So What (with a capital double-u for emphasis and drama) happened? Afterall, it really is the same moon we've had for thousands of millions of years, since the begginning of our own planet. I think that sometimes people just forget about the moon, about space, and about the universe(s) in general. We are often so utterly caught up in our own thought worlds and plans and relationships, that we forget to look at the moon every once in a while. We forget just who we are, and where we are, and how very small and insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things.
I once entertained the idea that if we all just stopped and looked up at the night's sky, all at the same time, we just might realize that it's the same sky, and we are all essentially the same people, whatever our physical differences and philposophical beleifs might be, and stop fighting.
This will, of course, never happen. But a girl can dream, can't she?
And what a strange dream it is. Here I am, 7:53 in the morning and writing a blog-entry about moons and world peace, when I should be doing what normal girls do in these things- curse the world, talk about some new article of clothing or complain about the way my man is treating me. Angsty things.
I suppose the strangest thing is that I have tons of angst. I think it's just misplaced.
So what then? Gibbous waxing moons and fish is what. Why fish? Because they are my favorite animal. If I were anything, I'd be a fish. They have a history in the world, older than any other living thing. It's even trackable in the land. They are resourceful. Fish can survive in some of the most inhospitable areas on the planet. And most importantly, when fish are out of water, they get the same suffocated feeling that I get when I have an anxiety attack, and I can understand that. I guess that's why I really don't like to eat them. Because somewhere along the lines, they all suffocated to death, and while most people are ok with that, I'm not, because I know how it feels. They may be a great food source for people these days, what with all the cancer-preventing omega-3, but that doesn't mean they aren't important and that we can't learn from them. Enough ranting about fish.
And now I have to learn about the waxing gibbous earth.
: ( My i-pod died again. I have lost my best friend once more!! WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO!!?!?!? They should have cures for this kind of thing. Instant ones. That come in the box. The bastards.