Where to now?

Apr 05, 2009 10:32

I haven't been posting because I haven't had much to say. Life is good, busy and a LOT happier since I quit. Who would have thought that complainy-posts about work would have made up 99.9% of my LJ? LOL! Anyway, I'm still around, I'm on facebook. I decided to do facebook after my MOM of all people got an account. My whole family is on there and we share photos of the babies, etc. I only really have time for a few websites lately, so I pick and choose and family always comes before LJ.

I probably won't be posting much here. If you want to stay in contact, which I hope some of you do, feel free to find me at facebook: Sara Marie Carter, Springfield, MO. I, too, know that most of my flist, is on facebook so I hope to find you all in the next few weeks.

I'm also in the process of starting a blogspot blog to share thoughts on life, motherhood, family, blah blah, blah. If it ever comes to fruition, I'll post the addy here!
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