Oct 02, 2003 00:07
past couple of days have been fun and interesting.
last weekend i did the following:
went to a house party, a very nosiy battle of the bands, enjoyed thrifting with emily and chelsea, investigated Miami Twice, watched Donnie Darko[this movie is so awesome, a must see, if you like mystifyingly cryptic psychologial thrillers, as not everyone is at the same wavelength] and The Breakfast Club with emily, mikie, jeff, patty and chelsea at mon maison. orchestra; sectionals and later that night michael came over.
lundi: i attended lab and math (at night.) i despise/loathe my incompetent lab teacher. mardi: katrina picked me up at 7:20 and we studied very assiduously in front of pollo at fiu for my evr midterm with raf, and i was introduced to george and some other good looking gentlemen belonging to some frat (i'm absent-minded). raf said he'd invite me to their next huge fiesta though, [that sounds effing awesome!] later that bonne nuit i drove to SAT class [which are next week btw] and did some verbal work. new words: voracious, mundane, capricious, cajole and terse.
UGHHHHHHHHHH SOMETIMES I REALLY AM MAD AT MY PARENTS. they know i have to write this stupid story on slavery and yet they make me spend and extra 30 min cleaning up the kitchen. i'm already stressed! thanks for nothing!
and i have a dilema. this weekend i have to study. but theres a party i want to go to on friday,
and bowling on saturday with mikie. i cant go to both, but i dont want to miss out on either. maybe i should
stay home...