At last they came and set up our internet at the house, so I'm back online (is that a good thing or a bad thing? I'm not sure ...). Our stuff is all over the place - looking at the explosion of it everywhere, I'm really kind of impressed that we managed to fit all this into that apartment. So now that we have the house, we really need visitors ... rumor has it a few people may be coming our way soon, so I'm excited :)
Sam is living it up in the backyard (he seems to have no interest in the indoors). He's dug up one sprinkler head already and has claimed one corner as his special poop zone. We introduced him to Tai ... yeah. He flattened himself to the ground in this completely submissive move and whimpered at her, wanting to play, and she hissed, then completely snubbed him. Talk about an alpha cat.
In other news, I'm teaching my mom how to use Facebook ... I find this strange and also funny ...