Nora Roberts.....jackass things people do..and other thoughts

Jun 02, 2005 21:46

hehe ok well i felt the need to write in my LJ why i do not know but just thought for the hell of it i would hehe! maybe the reason for this post is b/c i am bored? yeah that's it hehe!!
ok so please pic door # 1 , door # 2 or last but not least door # 3 .... follow the LJ cut ....

shall i start with the jackass things people do or Nora roberts? mmm or my other thoughts! well let me just clairify the Jackass things people do i am reffering to my self! of course i should have looked at my work schedule or wrote it down or somethig so i will let this be a lesson to me lol! so any who all week long i have been working 5 am shifts at work it's alright once in a while but i like evening shifts hehe! any who i get up this morning at 4 am to get ready for work on 3 hours sleep man i was sleepy as hell too! any who i gets up get showered and shit take my happy not morning person ass to work and clock in just 2 mins short of 5 am hehe! good timeing in my account huh? any who i get there and go to the locker to dump my shit and my co-worker says to me "what are you doing here?" *shakes head* "what do you mean?" i say lol! she says "your not working mornings your on afternoons" i soooo i say "fuckies your kinding me right?" (hehe my new word i stole form Michy hehe) any who she says "no really you don't work until 945 am" i was still in disbelife i fucking went to look at the schudle and holy Fuckies i do come at at 945 am! felt like a complete ass man!! haha! i can't believe i clocked in and every thing! *shakes Head* now didn't i just say that my boss would fuck me up by switching me back to late shift! as soon as i knew my body was starting to get use to being up that early *sigh* so the moral of today story is to write down what time ya have to been to work! of course i never really follow through with that lol

so enough about that part of my life let's move on to other things like my fav auther Nora Roberts ok she is one of my favs! hehe i just love her books there hasn't been a book i havn't read yet that i did not enjoy i loved every thing i have read by her so far. i like some book more so then others but i don't hate a book i have read! and don't think i ever will! Nora has a way of sucking you into the book and her vision for detail is just fucking mind boggling and i have a very good imagnation. how i can i explain they way her books take hold of you and suck ya right in ? i am no good with typed words i mostly likely sound like a two year that is why i have yet to write Nora a letter *sigh* but one day Rj and I are going to meet this woman! but seems like one big cosmic joke is being played on us cuz everytime Nora has a sighing in RJ's neck of the woods she plans them around the times we are else where! Like frist the emmys and now she is having a signing while we are at Fan weekend *sigh* *shakes fist at Nora* but there will be more signings i am sure! any who as i was saying about her books she is a classic romance novlist and her books are racey or tacky like i thought they would be! she writes smut tastfully and with class and with a way of making you believe that romance and love like that actually exisits! i have yet to find that but hey any thing is possible right? will what brought on my fan grilish rant about Nora well i just finished one of her books "captivated" great book she wrote it about 10 years ago but released it! any who the book just below me away Nora has this great imagnation and they stories she comes with are just great man! is all i can say and who this book i just read is about three cousin so of course there are two more books about the other two cousins! and they come form a family of Witches and the story is just *shrugs* Awsome i don't know if i can explain but the witch craft/supernatural stuff interests me to no end so maybe that's why i was soo takin into the book but then again i am always taking into Nora's books by fac series by her so far is the chesapeke bay series and my fav book by her so far is Brithright! well i guess that's enough fan griling about Nora now hehe! so moving on!

so ok i guess i can make a GH rant now huh? hehe will frist of all iwant to say as much and i love kristin storms , i am not feeling the heart story i just don't think it's right to capture the audiance with this story with a recast actress! granted kristin is a good actress ,but i just don't feel she is giving it her all and granted she knows GH history b/c she her self is a fan of the show but still i just don't think it is right for her to be doing this pictular S/L when i feel is should have been done long ago and with Robyn! that's my story and i am sticking to it! i think it was wrong how GH did Robyn! if they had given her a chance i am sure she could have shined! and then we will have a New FeFe and i am not going to like that one fucking bit either! i saw i thike TIIC are ruining this show but yet i can't force my selt to stop watching! *shakes Head* i guess that is form years of watching this show that was once good and now it is shit and revoles around Mr fucking Sonny "i can do no wrong" Cronthinos! *shakes head* take the show out of the mob and put it back to the hopsital is that the whole point about the name of the show? although its still remains my most fav of the three abc shows and have no idea as to why right now lol!
so let's see what else can i talk about oh yea just want to shout out to my girlies that in 40 days we will be groping all the GH stars man hehe! eeeeeeeeeeee! can't wait or we will be groping each other lol! and i can't wait to see blakes expression when i hand him Animal!! i wonder if he will love it! hehe like how chad loved beeker lol! and i wonder how greg will react to Lucky bear hehe! and oh yeah am watching one of many repetes of soap talk and martha bryne for ATWT was on the show she seems to be a really down to earth person and i would love to meet her and my mom is a fan of hers as well also she sings and sing quite well IMO and i wasn't aware of that either lol! so ok my lack of sleep is making me ramble in my LJ and i don't like it so not it is time to end the LJ post! hehe! sorry for boring ya guys to tears but oh well who cares lol!

i have more to talk about but i am tried and don't feel liking typing anything else! so in other words *gropies and HUggies* hehe!
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