Aug 21, 2004 05:17
If anyone has checked out the user info lately, you may have realized that we're changing things around a bit and not even near done yet. There is now a link to view the pictures of accepted members along with their usernames, and a link to view the rejected members (usernames only, I didn't feel the need to spend that much time on people who were rejected). Also, i've added more to the applications, including that you MUST promote and link it, so hopefully we'll be getting some fresh faces in here. If anyone has suggestions for the community feel free to comment and let me know, i'm trying to do everything I can to make this better. (Be expecting a new layout shortly.)
There will also be a new rule... if you are not active in this community, and by active I mean posting and voting, you will get KICKED OUT of the community. If you are going on vacation or won't be able to remain active for a period of time, make a post letting us know so I know not to delete you. By active, it doesn't mean you have to go crazy with posting, I would just like to see you vote and/or post once in a while. It seems as if once people have been accepted they've lost interest. If you are in question of whether or not you've been active enough, you can comment to this and i will let you know your status. This rule will be starting next month, so you have two weeks to get active.