NEW AIM ICONS FOR GIFT OF PROPHECY!!! (the band im in just in case u didnt know)
http://www.giftofprophecy.tkpictures from the KSE, 18 visions, 36 Crazyfists, and From Autumn To Ashes
18 visions, 36 Crazyfists, and From Autumn To Ashes ENGAGE PHOTOS yesterday we had practice... it was really good... one of the best practices weve had in a long time.... a lot of stuff got put down and we recorded it on video so we could listen to it and memorize the songs and what not.... it was hillarious to go back and look at the video and see us jamming and what not... making fun of our face expressions while we were playing... pretty funny stuff.... also if we get all of this stuff down and brennan finishes writing lyrics for us.... theres a possibililty that we will be playing at the fat cat.... but were not sure yet so yeah...
am 32.3%
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