Oct 18, 2004 15:44

Yes Erin DOES rock ym socks!
i amde a david bowie one and eventually i'm sure she'll change it for me becuase honestly i have no idea how to work this thing.
So apparently Mari was in town and no one told me or called me. Which in essence is pretty shitty of my friends. I forgive them of course but....i don't know, mayeb they're trying to cinvince themselves i don't exist. I'd be okay with that i think.
So apaprently i have to mention Jeff and sex in every one of my entries from now on. And i'm gonna count that as this entries mention.
Um the other ay i had a really really bad day. IT was one of those days where everything sucks, and you suck and everything about you sucks so i wrote a poem, and i've been contemplating putting it in here, because i ususally hate my poetry adn it's all sappy and stupid. BUt i think i will anyway. Skip it if you dont' want to read it.

As i watch my friends
lay haphazardly in their lovers arms
it occurs to me
i'm destined to be alone
as many pages as i write
of finding love
cruel reality presents itself
and drains all hope away
so i wander the road life's laid
bitter and unsatisfied
as independence rings as punishment
perhaps only in my eyes
a false fron is worn constant
an unwavering stoic disposition
reapeating a mantra behind a smile
'never let them see you cry'

So that's that./...ummm i had a bunch fo other stuff to write about that i can't think of now.
Kayla officially ditched me for schultz last night. ANd she thinks that i still care about waht goes on in taht house. for the record i don't. Not only do i not like most of them....i don't care about them, or what happens and they make me feel quite ill.
SO yeah....i guess i'll go abck to writing.
later days
megan a.
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