Mar 10, 2004 21:36
Honestly, i know everyone is stressed lately and i understand why. I mean i have that damnable play, whichc i'm beyond sick of. Like actually i've been doing this same one act with people who don't want to be there for almost a year. It's ridonkilous. ANd i realize that this fashion show is a big deal to some people, but being attendance nazis isn't the best way to go about everything. BUt i mean, i guess i get why they're doing it, it's like everyone quitting musical, it's a bitch to replan everything. And yeah i get that i really really do. it's just...i don't know, they're making ti seem so much more extreme and professional than it needs to be. i mean, it's almost liek they're sucking teh fun out of it. ANd it still will be fun because modelling is fun but...yeah. I guess i'm just stressed, thank god i'm quitting chemistry tomorrow. HEll i'm just a big quitter i guess.
Wait though, i didn't quit the mary kay make-up night tonight. Well that was super. yep now i'm just absolutly gorgeous. lol. i hate make-up.
i'm getting sick and it sucks and all i want to do is go home for lunch one day this week, and tomorrow i can't because beth has fashion show. and i'm so hungry again. mmmm mom came through with the hint of lime chips. so very very addicting. but so good.
I've decided i need a boy, they pump your ego. it helps in crappy times like today perhaps. i dunno this entire week has just been exhausting. it's stupid. And english is the possible most boring thing ever. damnable saskatoon and their lack of perfect boys with mohawks who are my age or older. and not a teachers son. i wish we could shop for boys, that would good.
maybe i should jsut start hanging out with ugly people. than i could get the guys for once. that plan might just work.
ugh i'm done.