Jan 29, 2008 23:31
1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
Optional, because I don't really like trying to force people to propagate these things if they don't feel like it:
3. You update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you ask them five questions.
If you don't feel like reposting the meme, then just go ahead and comment back with your answers. Whichever works; I'm not picky given my current level of chilly boredom.
Answers to questions from...
Maria! From whom I took the meme.
1. What's your favorite animal? Hm. I haven't really given it a whole lot of thought, but I'd say either a puma (When Sarge first introduced the jeep Command had sent us, he declared that it would be known as the Warthog. I personally thought it looked more like a puma. Sarge isn't around Blood Gulch these days, so I call it the Puma now.) or a tiger ('cause I wear orange and black, obvs.). I suppose that generally makes me a fan of big cats in general, which I can go with.
2. Would you ever let me put stickers on your armor? Hm. Well, assuming you could find stickers that adhere despite the reflective coating... mmmmaybe, if I was in a really good mood that day, I don't know. They definitely wouldn't be permanent additions, though. :-)
3. Can you dance? Not really. I mean, I suppose that if I wanted to try, SPARTAN means having the dexterity, balance, etc. to pull it off, but it's not exactly the sort of thing I've had much opportunity for in the military, or much inclination for in the Nexus, and I don't... particularly have any memory of doing so before the draft, though I'm pretty sure I'd enjoyed a luau or two growing up.
4. What freaks you out most? Bats. No, I don't know why. I suspect but can't be sure of there being a memory hole covering whatever reason I might've had.
5. Do you like those surgical shows on TV, because I don't? Not that I really watch much TV -- although I have set up a system in my apartment in Philly, just in case -- but no, as someone who has undergone several extensive sets of full-body surgical procedures, I am by no means a fan of shows depicting the ugly innards of the human body.
1; What's something about you I don't know already? Um. Hm. Have I mentioned before that I had a sister? If I haven't, then, well, I did. If I did, I'll have to think of something else.
2; Is there anything you've found out about me that you wouldn't have expected? Um. Just how little alcohol is needed to get you naked on a dare, for one thing.
3; Of all the things that have come out of this family nonsense, what do you think has been the most genuinely helpful for you? As simple and obvious as it might sound, the best part basically boils down to people. I'm cool with the rest of my squad being gone, no longer being a pain in the ass, but while I can handle being on my own, I don't always particularly like it. So, I appreciate that we accept each other's weird things, and are there for each other and all the kinda sappy stuff that's still nice anyway.
4; Where would you go on holiday? I've occasionally considered going back to Honolulu, but I've also kind of dreaded seeing how much it's changed since I left. Maybe as a group trip thing, it wouldn't be so bad, I don't know.
5; What should you tell me that you'd rather not? B| How my business actually works.Well, I'm certainly not going to show you any of the video of Mack's rude gestures from earlier. Other than that... uh, well, there're some things that happened at Black Mesa that I'm not overly proud of and would rather not get into.
1. What EXACTLY is it that you do? I'm not sure I'm clear on the details, though I think it's similar to my work? haha Actually, not so much. I've got two different things that could be considered my job, and one occasionally job-like hobby.
As far as the UNSC military is concerned, I'm a Private in the SPARTAN corps of the Army. While, once upon a time, that involved defending humanity against the Covenant threat, that ended when the Master Chief (one of the original SPARTANs) wiped out their armada. It wasn't until a little while after that, when the military broke into a pointless civil war, that I got drafted. As far as my obligations to them go, these days, I sit on my butt and enjoy not having anyone giving me orders anymore.
As far as I'm concerned, my day job is in the toy business, as the founder and CEO of a company that handles warehousing, wholesaling, and shipping for galaxy-wide holiday-based distribution. I'd founded it after I got drafted, and set it up so that I could run it entirely by remote, without any expectation that I could get leave from Sarge to go do things in person.
The closest thing I come to your work is as a hobby, going and getting myself into trouble either by mistake or because friends I've made in the Nexus need my help. It probably looks like my job, because it's the one I put the most time and visible effort into. :-) Also, resources both from my military posting and company profits go into making my hobby possible.
2. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Chocolate chip cookie dough. I mean, come on. It's ice cream, and it's got cookie dough in it. Two kinds of awesome in one!
3. What animal would you most like as a pet? Hm. I'm not really sure I'd want to be responsible for a pet's care, given that I'm occasionally somewhat slack about my own. That said, my answer to someone else's question was that my favorite animal was a big cat, like a puma or a tiger, so maybe a regular sized cat -- that doesn't talk, I might add -- would be cool.
4. Your favorite book? I don't really get particularly attached to any one book. The latest one I've enjoyed recently, though, covered the latest research and ideas about the Forerunners, which was this race of aliens that vanished a long, long time ago, leaving behind a bunch of technology and apparently easily misread writings.
5. Do they have television, where you come from? The technology's advanced some in the centuries since, but yeah, we've got more or less the equivalent of it. I haven't really had time to watch any of it in a while, though.
people|maria khirdaji,
people|elizabeth weir,
people|young!ami mizuno,
people|njoki rainmaker