Grif had more or less scoured Blood Gulch Outpost No.1 top to bottom,
looking for any sort of picture of him from before he'd been run over by
the tank. He hadn't been allowed to keep very much from his life before
being drafted, and Blood Gulch wasn't exactly the kind of happenin'
place where the guys took all that many pictures of one another out of
armor, so he wasn't terribly surprised to come up empty-handed.
He didn't think he could call anyone from back home. He wasn't even
really sure enough of his pre-military memories to be able to pinpoint
anyone he could reliably say he knew from then, and even if he did, he
lived in The Future now, and for all that he knew, all of those people
were dead now, and he just didn't want to deal with that possibility.
That left only one real option...
Laid out on his bunk, armor hooked up for maintenance, Grif activated
his armor's built-in radio, patching into the base relay system to send
his signal out into the distant stars. He'd had to read up a bit on the
protocols that he hadn't ever needed to use much, but once he did, he
was able to perform the necessary tuning and communications
"Y'hello, y'hello, what's goin' oooon, dude?" A ridiculously relaxed
drawl -- Texafornian, maybe? -- phased in as the call finished
"Uh, hey, this is Private Dexter Grif, lookin' to speak to someone at
Red Command?"
"Are you sure you're lookin' for Red Command, dude? You could be
lookin' for Blue Command, y'know what I'm sayin', dude?"
"What? Oh, d-- don't even start with that 'Are Red and Blue the same
or not?' bullshit again."
"Whoa! Oookay, there, dude. Take it eeeeeasy. Have yourself a chill
pill, y'know what I'm sayin', dude?"
"...Only occasionally. Okay, look, you're Vic Jr. at... whatever
Command is nowadays, right? "
"That's right. What can I do for ya, dude?"
Vic Jr.'s accent was starting to grate, but Grif sucked it up for the
sake of getting things done. "Okay, I was wondering if you could send me
a copy of my UNSC file? I, uh..." Grif realized that he should've tried
to think of a rationale for asking for his file before making the call,
and raced to come up with something now. He couldn't exactly say
anything about visiting interdimensional doctors to undo the damage that
Command probably never got told he'd sustained in the first place. "I...
thought it might be fun reading?"
There was a pause, as if Vic Jr. were pondering the question, but
then it seemed to be a good enough reason to him. "Yeah, okay, dude.
Just gimme a second to punch it up. Dexter Grif. Dexter
Dex-Dex-Dexter... Grrrrrrif. Oh. Wow. Something really unhappy happened
to some of these systems a really long time ago, dude, and it looks like
yours was one of the files that got hit. There's a whole lot of stuff
missing, dude."
A pit formed in his stomach. "Well, what is and isn't there,
"Well, looks like pretty much just your service record, which isn't
terribly long or interesting, I gotta say, dude."
"Ngggghhh." More of his past gone; more of him stranded in the now.
"There's nothing else? Not even--" may as well go for it directly,
man; just ask if it's there "-- What about my file photo? They had
to have taken one of me when I got drafted, before they ran me through
the program, right?"
"Well, lemme see... Yeah, dude! There's a photo on file." A pause.
"Whoa! Jesus, dude!"
Did they somehow get a picture of him after Sarge's butcher-work? It
didn't seem likely, but this whole thing was weird. "What? What is
"Oh. Yeah, no, it's here. It's... just a bit of a shock, dude."
That, at least, sounded familiar; he'd never exactly been the handsomest of guys. "heh. Yeah, oka--"
"Lookin' a bit rough around the edges, dude."
"Right. So c--"
"You're an ugly sonofagun, is what I'm saying, dude."
Grif started getting a bit irritated. "I get it. Look, I don't
suppose you could at least just send me that?"
"I suppose so, sure, dude. Anything to get it off my screen. Hang
on." A sub-channel opened, piping a copy of the image, which Grif saved
in his armor's onboard storage drive.
"Excellent. Thanks, Vic Jr."
"No problem, dude. Thanks for callin' UNSC Command. Have a nice
The signal disconnected. Grif signed off from the base relay, then
opened the folder on the armor's drive where he saved the picture. Now
he at least had something that showed who he was before he was a
SPARTAN, that he could show to his new doctor so she'd know what he
should look like when she finished working her miracles.
"Well, let's see what we got..."
((Brian Thompson, aka Eddie Fiori from Kindred: The EmbarrassmentEmbrace and the Alien Bounty Hunter from X-Files.))