Jul 20, 2006 01:11
I open my eyes to find darkness. I’m sprawled out on a rough carpet floor. Not able to remember anything. Not of my past or of the present. Not even my name. I allow my arms to freely wonder to my surroundings. Walls. I am trapped. I run my fingertips over the bumpy surface, trying to determine where I am. Nothing is familiar. Nothing makes sense. Wait! As my arms venture further into the darkness, I find there are only 3 walls. I am not trapped! A sense of relief swept over me. Staggering to my feet I find that I have several big bruises and a rush of pain comes to my head. My hand going to the source of pain I find a large cut. Wincing I feel it, it’s not as bad as I first thought. Long, but quite shallow. Looking up I see what had the potential to be dim speck of light set against the darkness. Hope! I start towards it, slowly at first, with my arms in front, wondering, trying to determine if it was only a trick my eyes set out to make on me. After what seemed an eternity, I start to gain more confidence, and quicken my pace to somewhat between a fast walk and a slow jog maybe? What does it matter anyway? The light does not seem to be getting any nearer. One again, I quicken my pace. I am now running. Well, what could be called a run of an old and tired man. I could have been running anywhere between minutes and hours, but it seems though time has no meaning here.